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Welcome to the Saiya-jin newspaper, SSJTimes!

Issue 1: Vegeta is looking for power, again!

Vegeta, the ruthless saiya-jin is trying to get more power then any other saiya-jin or creature in the universe!

'One day a found a Dragon Ball, I put it in a private collection of mine! Then one day I found my whole house blown up! My dragon ball was missing too!'

Tankson, Reeds.

Well, now for another report, but this one is from the Ogre King! 'I was growing a collection of Dragon Balls, you know so I could be the THE GREATIST OGRE OF ALL TIME!!! MWAA HA HA! But then one day I found the whole lair destroyed!

We have had quotes of Vegeta defending himself too! 'I didn't take them! Get of me you dumb reporters! I didn't take the Dragon Balls or else I would already have them, and rule the universe!'

Issue 2: Vegeta on trial!?

Vegeta, has been sent to go to a court, for at the moment, he is on earth! So, he went to court to go on trial. Note: The previous reporter got their brains blown out by Vegeta, so I guess I'm lucky I didn't! Vegeta is trying to defend himself that he didn't take the Dragon Balls! But all of the people who had a Dragon Ball stolen said that there was a strange mark on his head at the time, it looked like the letter M.

'It's Maijan Buu! Listen to me!!!!!' Vegeta has been saying but the evidence seems to be against him!

Issue 3: A strange pink thing roaming our planet!

Reports have been said that people keep on seeing pink things! Could this be what defendent Vegeta, who is still in court, have been talking about?! This creature appears to be very dangerous!

If you find it contact us at ***-*****-**********-*

Issure 4: The pink thing is reavealed!

Vegeta is finnally out of trial, of course even if he had been proved guilty (he was innocent), he would have just blown the judges head off.

The pink thing turned out to be Maijan Buu! Vegeta found the thing trying to take control of his body!

'Just a wimp! I wonder how this one survived!' Vegeta said. Vegeta then used his "Big Bang" attack!

While blowing up the Maijan Buu, he also blew up the court, but he said it defended the world!

No further issues have been published yet!