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Updates and things to come!

At the top is the oldest dates, and at the bottom is the most recent updates. (So don't think last time I updated was 1/22/00!!)

I will be starting on the date, 1/22/00...


I put up the Enter part in the begging. One Gotenks animated gif. And I put up this page.


I updated this page, the Enter page, the main page, and put up a profiles page.


I updated the songs section... and obviously this page!


I updated the Image Gallery by making there be sections, so the loading time wasn't so bad. I made the Webmaster's Note section. I put a new Topsites onto my homepage. And I updated this page.


I made the DBZ town. I'm still working on it, but I'm not putting anything up untill it's done so there will be no broken links... I don't think I'll ever finish it! It's just going to keep getting bigger!


I updated DBZ town. I gave a site the silver award, therefore I posted that, and I updated this page.


I finally put up a fan fic!


I finally got some songs for people to download up!


I put a guestbook up and I put more songs for people to download up!


I put up the ways to tell you're obbsessed with DBZ. I also put some more sections on DBZT up, as well as made the Ninja fight longer.


I made the main page so you didn't have to go back in forth, and took out the pictures so it didn't take as long to load. I then put my Banner in a new Banner section. And all of the pictures I had on my home page, I made a Image Gallery 4, which I put them in. (Which is better then the original Image Gallerys because it's easier to view). I put up some more links in my links section too! I also put up the Fan Art section, and updated this page a bit.


I put up the speacial section.


I updated the profiles page.


I put up the cave in dbzt.

3/18/00 (Updated by Ken Newman)

Hi everybody! I'm putting the update up for Darkness Boy in this section. He added movies to download.


Hey! Sorry I didn't update last week. Well, anyway, I put up some java on the Enter page. I put up more movies. I found out there was a problem with them for some computers sometimes, and I know why, but unfortunatly I don't know how to fix it. I put up some more links. I updated the Site of the month. (Finally!). I also updated the Songs of the month.


Sorry I didn't update last week, go to the webmaster's note to find out why. Anyway, I updated the webmaster's note. I made a cool new Enter part for my site. I got a Fan art too!


Sorry! Yet again I didn't update! And this time for a whole two weeks! Great, oh well. NOW! FINALLY! I GOT FRAMES UP ON MY SITE!


Sorry ... again... I made the frames better organized.


Gomen! ^^;;. I changed the lay out of the main page. I also made the lay out of the Image Gallery a lot better.


O.K, O.K. I've been busy. Here we go I put more links up. I also put up a vote 4 me page so the loading time was better for my main page. Plus you can view my old lay out if you want.


Sorry it's been so long. Anyway. All of the awards are finally up! That's right! Also if you like frames you can rejoice! For I have made it so if you click on a link to another site, that site will pop up on another page, therefore my frames won't snag it! (By the way, because of that my site still stays, so both are there).


Well, now here's a relief. I've been noticing that my information section seemed like an episode guide. Therefore, I made an episode guid section, (which is very nice and organized), and put information in the information section. Now doesn't that make sense?


Now the banner section is called the link to me section. I now have 5 banners instead of 3 and the newer ones are easily the best. I'm looking for people who want to become affiliates. Also the link to me section now has it so I wrote the html code for you to simply copy and paste for your site. No hassel, now saving and uploading the picture to your site. How does that sound? Good? Good!


I made a new section! It's the wanted section. For things I want, (duh). I forgot to put up that I wanted more affiliates, though... oh well. I put up a lot more animated gifs! Sorry more isn't up. I stopped updating in order to watch SNL. I hope you like my site! It is a lot better from when I first started it!


I put up more a lot more animated gifs! This time I also added new people that I had animated gifs of! I also changed the lay-out of animated gifs section. This is because I used to have it so a picture would come up with a picture of the person or their name. You would then click on the picture. I decided that takes to long to load, plus I wanted the links in alpha-betical order. I therefore switched it to words. I put a cross through every person I didn't have up yet.


I put up even more animated gifs!


Well, I may not have done much, but I did do something. I put up another thing for my enter page. Oh, I finally reached over 1000 hits! YAY!


I updated dbzt (my rpg). Unfortunately, at a certain part there is a broken link since I haven't finished. Oh, well. Enjoy! Oh yeah, I also put up a well... sort of new layout for my main page and this page. No longer is my site called Djkomnear's Gotenks DBZ Site! It is now Omnear's DBZ Site. Why? My screen name is now Omnear, Gotenks isn't my favorite charactor anymore, the gif on every page made the loading time worse and made the layout worse. Plus some more minor things. Hope you enjoy dbzt so far!


Sorry for not updating lately. I put up the manga guide section. Sorry not much is up on it yet. Also I put some more stuff on the credits section and changed the background from being an animated gif to a plain old background. Oh well, at least I did something! Right?


Updated again! I put up the dbz manga section. Also I put up some manga guides!


Put up one more manga guide. Also, I made a new lay-out for the frames. How do ya like it?


I took off some of the gotenks gifs that were on the pages taking up space. (Some of them). Also, I put up a lot more Gokou animated gifs. I also added a new link to my links section.


I know it's not much, but I put up an animated gif.


I put up a bunch more gifs up of people I already had up.


I put up more animated gifs of people I already had up.


Not much, I suppose. All I did was update my webmaster's section.


More than last time! Put up gifs of two new people. Also, I updated my webmaster's section again.


I put up gifs of two new people. That's about it for today! ^^


Put up lots of new gifs today!


Sorry about how long it's been since I updated. If you want to know why go to the webmaster section. Today, I made it so I can update again, I took out my affiliate because his site wasn't up anymore, and I updated the Webmaster's section. Also, I made a new section, which is my other web-sites section. It has other sites I've made in it. I know it's probably not what you wanted to be updated, but I can now update again, so I will now frequently be updating.


I edited the Fan Art a bit, by changing the E-Mail to the correct one. Also, I put up a new manga summary.


I edited the Manga Dragon Ball gallery page a bit. I also put up a new manga summary. Also, I put up some more animated gifs.


I edited the Manga Dragon Ball gallery page a bit. Also, I put up a new manga summary.


I got some Fan Art and another site got an award! Yay! I'll do some updates on the manga sections and animated gifs section in a few days. (Finals right now..., gotta study).


Finals are over! Yay! Also, I put up a new animated gif section! Also, yay! ^o^


I put up a new animated gif section!


I put up another new animated gif section!


Can you guess? I put up another animated gif section!


Guess what! I put up, yet another animated gif section!!!


Well, I put up another, yes another animated gif section!!! Also, I edited my E-Mail me section. I added two more e-mail me gifs, and also made the lay-out much better. Check it out, click here!


I put up another animated gif section!!!


I put up 2 more animated gif sections! Also, I put up new animated gifs of people I already had some animated gifs of!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I put up another animated gif section!!!


Not only did I put up another animated gif section, I also put up another manga guide! Yay!


I put up a new manga section, and I put up a new animated gif section, and up put up a new animated gif of a person I already had up!


I put up a new manga section and I put up a new animated gif section.


I put up a new animated gif section and I put up a new manga section.


I put up a new animated gif of a person I already had up, a new animted gif section, and a new manga section.


I put up a new animated gif section! Yay!


I put up another new animated gif section! Cool, right?


Take a guess. What of all things would I probably have updated? I updated the animated gif section again.


Guess what?! Guess what?! I put up 2 animated gif sections! Also I updated 2 sections of people I already had up, and put up new gifs of them. WOW!


I finished putting up the rest of the people for the animated gif section! I finally have every single section up!!!!!!! My site is now crammed with animated gifs, so check it out!!!!!!


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, but there's a good reason for that. This time, I had a huge update. I completely redid the Image Gallery section. I made it much nicer, and have more pictures up now. It has taken me a very long time to make and put up, so I hope you enjoy it!


I put up 3 new people's image galleries! Yay!


I put up 5 new people's image galleries!


Sorry it's been awhile. Huge update today, though. I changed how the music is changed on EVERY SINGLE PAGE. It took me over 3 hours to do, so I hope you like being able to turn off the music if you want to. (You used to not be able to). Also, I made the layout better of some of the pages that had a not-so-good layout. I also took out some of the gotenks gifs at the top I had forgotten to take off a long time ago. Like I said, huge update.


Today I updated my awards section. I made the lay-out better, and made it harder to get the gold award.


I got a fan-comic! Yay! I put that up..., and that's it.


I made two new banners for my site! They're both in the link to me section. Also, I found the DBZ comics I made, so I'll try to scan them, and get them up soon!


Sorry I haven't updated recently. I was on vacation, then I couldn't log on to my server, so I wasn't able to update. Anyway, I put up a new manga guide. I got the cover to the comic I have up, so I put that up. Also, I recieved a new fan art!


Sorry I haven't updated recently..., again. I was too obsessed with Warcraft III. Anyway, I put up a new manga guide. (Finally finished the first graphic novel). Also, I won't be able to update again for about a week, because I'm going to Cedar Point tomorrow, and right when I get back I'll own Mario Sunshine, so I'll be playing that like crazy.


I got Mario Sunshine... it's great! Also, I put up a new manga guide, yay! Also note: I'm not going to be able to update as much as I did this summer because school's about to start, (this wednesday), so instead of updating around every few days, the updates will be more like, once a week.


I got Star Fox Adventures and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. Very cool..., oh yeah, the update! Sorry it's been so long, if you want to know why, go to the Webmaster's section (which I updated). I put up a new Manga Guide, and I put up another fan art.


Sorry it's been such a long time since I updated!! ^o^;; I've been really busy with homework, playing my new games (Star Fox Adventures and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2), or doing stuff with friends. Anyway, today I put some more Gohan gifs up. Also, I put up another Manga Guide. Finally, I made the music on the main page in the background instead of letting you turn it off, because it made things slower and made loading time worse.


Ok, I put up a new manga guide. I put up more animated gifs of Tien. Also, I put up another comic by Caroline King! I would have put mine up, but I can't find them!!!! Maybe a tried to get a friend to scan them, and the friend still has them...


I put up one page of the comic I drew. Also, I gave another award to a site, so I put the link up to that site in the awards section.


I got an affiliate!! ^_^


I got a fan fic ^_^ , which I put up! Also, I put up another animated gif for Brolly. Thanksgiving is coming up, so happy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble Gobble!


Well, I didn't update last week due to Thanksgiving! Anyway, this week: I put up more Trunks animated gifs. Also, I put up another fanfic! Finally, I put up the button for the site I'm affiliates with. Sorry I haven't been putting up any new manga guides, I've had too much homework, plus I've had swimming and Karate.


Not much, just made the main page look a bit nicer. The real update is tomorrow. (Where I actually add content).


Well, not much again. All I did was add more animated gifs of Gokou. Sorry for the lack of a better udpate... Well, anyway, I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday, and am going to be gone all of Winter Break. Therefore, the site won't be updated for about 2 weeks. Happy Winter Break Everyone!!!


Sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated! ^^;; I've been really busy with school and sports, so it's been hard to keep up. Anyway, I finally got more of my comic up! WOOHOO! So, enjoy reading it so far!


Again, sorry. It's hard with school to update! Anyway, I got a new award and a new affiliate! Also, I put up another manga guide!


On the newest episode of laziness strikes, Omnear plays Zelda, Kung Fu Chaos, FFX, and does homework rather than updating his website. Until today that is. I have a new affiliate ^_^ and I put up another manga guide!


Sorry not much, just fixed the updates page. I accidentilly put all of my 2003 updates as 2002. Anyway, now that it's summer, I should be able to update more often.


First, I'm sorry I don't update anymore, I'm just busy with other things. If you send me something, or ask me a question, I'll answer, but, I'm just not really updating this site anymore. Anyway, on with the update, a new fan art picture, thanks zanon2051!

That's all so far!

Here is my top list of things to do!

Now for things to come, or hopefully come!