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Ways to tell you're obsessed with DBZ.

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Here are a list of ways to tell you are obsessed with DBZ.

1.You paint your self green.

2.You paint seven rocks yellowish orangish and then paint red stars on them, starting at one, throw them around and then try to find them.

3.When ever someone makes you really mad you put your hands in a certain shape and yell... MASENKO!

4.You make your hair stick up and then you dye it yellow and start telling everyone that they shouldn't mess with you since you're SSJ.

5.You wear a Turban and a cape and try to meditate.

6.When ever your younger brother or sister gets you mad you yell at them, "Don't mess with a Saiya-jin with more pure blood then you Kakkorat!"

7.When you're at school and the teacher calls on you you yell at the teacher, "Don't tell me what to do! KAMEHAMEHA!"

8.Whenever your mom tells you to study you start grumbling about how you never can do something and you always have to study.

9.When ever someone hits you, you instantly fall down and loose in one hit.

10.You paint your face white and start screaming, "I am Bebe! Do not oppose me!"

11.You glue brown (or) gold monkey hair on you and start screaming, "BEWARE I AM ABOUT TO GROW AND TURN INTO OOZURA (if you have golden monkey hair), GOLDEN OOZURA!"

12.If someone hurts you, you tell them that you're only in your first form and you still have three transformations left and they should run away.

13.You dye your hair blue, and take a fake sword and swing it around at people, claiming you have the "Z" sword.

14.When ever you have a girl friend you dress up in a white toxedo when you're going to meet her.

15.You claim you've been to outerspace before in a space ship Capsule Corp. made for you.

16.You're afraid of a Cell.

17.You paint yourself pink and call yourself a Buu.

18.You tell everyone that you were trained by Piccolo and your father is Gokou, and you can't lose, everytime someone starts beating you up.

19.You get in a street fight and the first thing you do is jump backwards and yell "KAMEHAMEHAAA!!!!".

20.After getting beaten badly in that fight, you claim that from anger you will soon turn SSJ.

21.You shave your head bald.

22.You shave your head bald and try growing a white beard and mustach.

23.You claim that you were trained on an island, and an invinsible Muten trainer trained you.

24.After watching the Buu saga, you start getting afraid of ghosts.

25.Ghosts freak you out, just because of Gotenks Ghost Kamakize Attack.

26.You can't drive.

27.When you take driving lessons, all you end up doing is racing the person on the opposite side of the street as you.

28.You tell people that you can use the whole planets energy including themselves to wipe them out.

29.You paint a blue berry pink and try to enlarge so you can say that your partner is Fat Buu.

30.You have a real attitude problem and claims it came from your role-model Vegeta.

31.You think you can not loose.

32.Once you loose in a fight you claim that somebody will probably wish you back with the Dragon Balls.

33.You tell people that you are Kami and you are the ruler of the world.

34.You paint yourself black and claim that you are Mr. Popo, Kami's assistant.

35.You tell everyone that you once had a scouter.

36.You tell everyone that you once saw a planet explode, and the name of the planet was Namek.

37.You put cardboard behind you, paint some scenery on it, then paint a charge up thing that fits around you, you then go inside and claim that you can charge up.

38.You make a pupet show, that's DBZ, and perform different ones everyday.

39.You tell everyone that you invented the Androids.

40.You tell everyone that you invented Cloning.

That's all so far!