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Dragon Ball: Episode 3

Episode 3!
Gokou and Bulma are traveling along the road when they see a monster who want's to eat the
turtle. The turtle is afraid because there is a monster trying to eat him. Gokou wonders why the
monster would want to eat a turtle, but then he finds out about turtle soup. He thinks it
might be good, plus he's hungry himself, but the turtle convinces him that it dosn't taste good.
Gokou then beats up the monster and Bulma asks how the turtle got here so far away from a lake.
The turtle says he got lost, and asks if Bulma and Gokou can take them to
his home. They finally agree and make it to the lake. Gokou can help but wonder how the
lake is so big. The turtle promises to bring Gokou an award for what he did, and
after a long time Gokou and Bulma see the turtle again! They see the turtle
with a really old guy on his back! This odd looking man turns out to be
Muten Roshi! (Master Roshi). The man then offers Gokou a flying carpet,
but he renembers it's at the cleaners,
so he then summons the flying nimbus! Muten Roshi dosn't really think that Gokou
will be able to ride it, but Gokou can and he flys off for a while and comes back!
Bulma also wants a present, but she didn't do anything for the turtle.
She then sees a Dragon Ball around Muten Roshi's neck. She asks for it, and Muten Roshi
dosn't know what it really does, so he gives it to her! Bulma then tells him and leaves
with Gokou. (Who has the flying nimbus now). And on Muten Roshi's ride back to where he
lives on the turtle, he starts thinking that he should have kept the Dragon Ball!

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