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Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 1

Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 1

Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 1

"Long long ago, in a deep, dark forest far from civilization, beyond a towering range of...well, you get the idea. It's the kind of place a story like this has to begin..." starts the Graphic Novel. In the beginning, Gokou meets Bulma, a 16 year old girl looking for the mystical Dragon Balls. If you collect all seven of the balls a dragon will come forth and grant you a single wish. Once Gokou and Bulma have started their adventures they start with three balls. (Two of which Bulma has and one of which is Gokou's "Grampa"). After coming across a turtle and helping him Master Roshi gives Bulma the fourth ball. For the fifth ball Gokou and Bulma must travel to a seemingly deserted village. After being attacked the by the villagers they help the villages capture Oolong, a transforming pig, and they get their fifth ball. They then start their journey to Fry-Pan Mountain with Oolong. After being attacked by Yamcha, that is. Yamcha blows up their car and gives them a new one with a tracking device on it. Gokou and friends then travel to Fry-Pan Mountain where the terrible Gyu Mao, a.k.a the Ox King finds out Gokou is Gohan's grandson. The Ox King had trained with Gohan and he becomes quick friends with Gokou.

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