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Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 2

Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 2

Dragon Ball: Graphic Novel 2

Gokou is still at Fry-Pan Mountain. The Ox-King (A.K.A Gyu Mao), finds out that Gokou's invincible old master is Muten Roshi. He says that Muten Roshi can help put out the fire. Also, that Gyu Mao trained with Gokou's Grampa. He tells Gokou that if he helps the Ox-King, the Ox-King will let Gokou marry his daughter. Gokou doesn't know what marrying is. Yamcha finds out the daughter is the girl he hit, and runs off to tell her it was a mistake, and pretends to love her. Soon Gokou comes, and picks up Chi-Chi, Gyu Mao's daughter. They go find Muten Roshi. Muten Roshi says he'll help Gokou and Gyu-Mao if Bulma shows him her breasts. Gokou says it's fine. Muten Roshi goes to help Gokou. He is going to the the Basho-Sen, but it was thrown out. (It can make a tsunami just by waving it). He has to go there himself and help out. Muten Roshi comes, and tells Bulma about the deal, she's angry, but agrees to do it so she can get the dragon ball. Muten Roshi does a kamehameha to put out the fire. He accidentilly blows us the mountain too. Gokou decides to try the Kamehameha too, and accidentilly blows up their car. It's not as powerful as Muten Roshi's either. Muten Roshi then asks Gokou about Gohan (Gokou's grampa) and finds out he's dead. (Gokou's grampa and Gyu Mao trained under Muten Roshi). Muten Roshi tells Gokou that when he's done finding the Dragon Balls, he can come train with him. Bulma finds the Dragon ball, and after having Oolong turn into herself to show Muten Roshi, they leave to find the last dragon ball. (Gyu Mao had leant them a car). Finally, they reach a village after setting off. Everyone is afraid of Bulma for some reason, and run off. They hear about some Bunny orginazation, and Gokou beats up a bunch of the hench men, who call for their boss..., a bunny! (Every hench men is dressed like a bunny, and Bulma was still in her bunny outfit which is why everyone was afraid of her, she changes her cloths to normal cloths, though). The bunny turns Bulma into a carrot, and Yamcha decides to help Gokou beat up the bunny. They win, and Gokou puts the bunny and his henchmen on the moon. They leave the village and are getting close to the last Dragon Ball, when Emperor Pilaf's henchmen destroy their car, and steal all of the Dragon Balls, except the one Gokou has. Yamcha "Just happens to come by" and helps they out by bringing them to Emporer Pilaf's castle. They sneak in, and follow an arrow to a dead end trap! Emporer Pilaf tries to torture Bulma into telling him where the last Dragon Ball is, but fails miserably. He drops he back in the dead end, and gives them sleeping gas. His henchmen find the final Dragon ball with Gokou. He goes outside and starts to summon the dragon. Gokou uses the Kamehameha in the wall, and makes a small hole (He's not good enough yet to make it bigger). It's so small, only Pu'ar and Oolong can make it out as bats. The dragon is summoned, and Pilaf starts to make his wish to rule the world. Oolong interrupts yelling for a hot babes panties. The dragon grants Oolong's wish, and Pilaf's plans are destroyed. The dragon ball flies off, and Pilaf locks away Gokou and the rest up in a special room. (Kamehamehas don't work). The sun will come out and fry them in the room. Gokou starts to tell the group about the tale of how his grampa died, and how he can't look at the moon for some reason. His grampa died because a beast who comes out during the full moon, smushed him. Gokou supposedly slept through it, though. Bulma tells Gokou not to look at the moon, but accidentilly points to it. Gokou looks at where she's pointing, and scares everyone, but doesn't transform into anything. Suddenly, though, he transforms into a giant monkey and breaks the hole room! He starts breaking the castle, and Pu'ar turns into a pair of scissors to cut of his tail. It makes him turn back to normal. Gokou wakes up later, the next morning, and tries to stand up, but realizes he doesn't have a tail anymore. It doesn't really bother him, though. Yamcha gets over his fear of girls, and Bulma decides to go out with Yamcha. They decide they don't need the Dragon Balls, anymore. They decide to go back to the city with everyone, but Gokou wants to train with Muten Roshi. Bulma gives Gokou the dragon radar so he can find the dragon ball his grampa gave him when they come back a year later. Gokou flies back to his house to get his futon (mattress). He comes to Muten Roshi's house, (who is watching girls exercise on T.v.), and eats his whole supply of food. Muten Roshi tells Gokou to find him a hot girl, and then he'll train Gokou. Gokou comes back with a huge girl, and Muten Roshi is freaked out when the graphic novel ends.

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