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Dragon Ball: Tale 1: Bloomers and the Monkey King

Dragon Ball: Tale 1: Bloomers and the Monkey King

Tale 1: Bloomers and the Monkey King
This is the first tale of all of Dragon Ball. The tale starts with Gokou chopping wood in his own unique way (He jump kicks a log which splits it into pieces). After gathering the wood peices he decides he's hungry and will go get some grub. Meanwhile, you see Bulma, holding the Dragon Radar looking at it and noticing a Dragon Ball is nearby. Back to Gokou, he is searching for some grub. He doesn't want bear because he just had that so he is hoping tiger will attack him. He then sees the lake and decides to go fishing. After catching a fish in his own unique way, (putting his tail in the water, then when the fish jumps to bite he jump kicks it) he starts to come back to his house with his fish. As he is walking, Bulma in her car, nearly hits Gokou. As she yells at Gokou, Gokou gets mad at her because he thinks she..., (err.. the car monster), wants to steal his fish. He then lifts up the car and throws it forwards. Bulma decides to shoot Gokou, but it doesn't kill him. As Gokou is about to attack her she gets freaked out and tells him she is a human. After Gokou inspects her, and Bulma tells Gokou she is a girl, Gokou finally agrees that she is a human. They come to Gokou's house and Gokou starts to pray to his "grampa". Bulma snatches "grampa" and tells Gokou it's a Dragon Ball. "You mean some poor dragon?..." Bulma explains to Gokou that she has already found 2 and Gokou's will be her third. Also, there are seven in total. Gokou is further confused and thinks Bulma wants them for a necklace. Bulma then explains that if you collect all seven a dragon appears and will grant you a single wish. Gokou and Bulma then have a large argument about Bulma taking the ball, and then Bulma decides to team up with Gokou to find the dragon balls and that she will only borrow his ball for the wish. (Without telling him after a wish the balls scatter around the world). They begin their adventure and Bulma uses a Hoi-Poi capsule to make a motorcycle appear. Gokou thinks that she is a witch, but never the less, he gets on the bike. After a large jump Bulma has to go to the bathroom. She then screams and Gokou goes to help. A large dinosaur has captures her! (A teredactyl). Gokou thinks the teredactyl is a friend and lets it tie him up, but after Bulma screams for help Gokou knows the truth, that the teredactyl wants to eat Bulma! Gokou runs towards the bike which he thinks can fly and eventually goes off a jump. He jumps off and extends his NyoiBo and hits the teredactyl. The teredactyl dies and Bulma is saved!
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