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Dragon Ball: Tale 10: Onward to Fry-Pan...

Dragon Ball: Tale 10: Onward to Fry-Pan...

Tale 10: Onward to Fry-Pan...
Gokou finally wakes up from his sleep, and Oolong is holding a gun and angry. Gokou tells Oolong "Goo Mornin'" but Oolong gets mad about it because of the past night. Gokou asks Yamcha why, and Yamcha tells Gokou about Yamcha attacking the night before. Bulma wakes up with a headache and comes downstairs. She asks if Oolong got her cloths down, and he says he didn't. Gokou tells Bulma it's because Oolong was standing guard against Yamcha. Bulma wants to meet him. Oolong decides ignorance is bliss. Oolong tells Bulma that there is cloths upstairs, and she runs upstairs. Oolong gets mad and thinks that he used to take the prize for obnoxiousness, but Bulma's the champ. Gokou's hungry, so he starts eating a lot. Bulma comes back angry because she's wearing a bunny outfit. Bulma yells at Oolong to start going to Fry-Pan mountain, so Oolong starts driving. Meanwhile, Yamcha is watching them. He wants those dragonballs. Bulma is putting on lipstick and wants to meet Yamcha. Yamcha gets mad, but Gokou realizes that Yamcha is there with a rocket launcher. Bulma is excited that Yamcha's there, but blasts the car. Bulma is knocked out. Yamcha tells Gokou and Oolong to give them the dragon balls. Gokou tells Yamcha he's not giving him anything. Yamcha decides to fight Gokou hand to hand. Gokou tells Yamcha that yesterday he was hungry, but now he's full so he can beat Yamcha. Gokou beats Yamcha to the ground, and Yamcha realizes he lost a tooth. He gets mad and runs away. They can't use the car, though. Meanwhile, Yamcha has a new plan. He decides to wait 'till they get all seven dragon balls, and steal the dragon balls after that. Gokou is forced to carry Bulma, and is angry, but Oolong volunteers to. Yamcha drives up, to them, and says he's sorry about the trouble. He gives them a car, then drives away. Oolong starts driving away to Fry-Pan mountain. Yamcha has a radar on his car of where Bulma, Gokou, and Oolong is, so he starts chasing them.
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