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Dragon Ball: Tale 11: ...And into the Fire!

Dragon Ball: Tale 11: ...And into the Fire!

Tale 11: ...And into the Fire!
Bulma complains about it getting hotter even though they're going north. Oolong explains that it is because of Fry-Pan mountain. He continues to explain that a long time a go, the mountain used to be fine, but about 10 years ago, the fire spirit fell from the heavens and turned the mountain into eternal flame. Finally, the team reaches Fry pan mountain, which is a huge mountain engulfed in flames! The top of a castle is visable. Oolong starts mumbling about not needing to go, and just leaving everything to Gyu-Mao. Bulma asks who Gyu-Mao is, and Oolong explains that he's also known as the Ox-King and was nicknamed the emperor of demons. Everyone who comes by his mountain gets killed. There is a castle in flames at the top of the mountain, and Oolong explains that the castle is overflowed with Gold, silver, and other treasures that Gyu-Mao has looted from all over the land. Bulma decides the 6th dragon ball is in the castle. Oolong explains then that the Ox King guards the castle from foot of the mountain, because the mountain caught on fire while he was having a picnic with his kid. The fire's so big, even Gyu-Mao can't get in. Bulma mentions that Oolong knows a lot about that, and Oolong asks if they taught her about it in school. Oolong wants to leave, but Bulma doesn't want to after coming so far. Oolong thinks Bulma is a suicidal teen, and gets in the car and starts to drive it away. Bulma swees, though, making Oolong have to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Yamcha is back in his car watching his radar. He notices that Gokou and everyone is going to Fry-Pan mountain. Yamcha decides that the 6th Draogn Ball is in the Ox Demon's lair. Both him and Pu'ar don't think Gokou and everyone can make it, so Yamcha thinks it will be a burden on him. Pu'ar thinks maybe they should just leave, but Yamcha thinks Gokou might have an "in" with the "old beast" (Gyu-Mao) because he's Gohan's grandson. Also, that Gohan and Gyu-Mao were once both disciples of the same invincible old master. Yamcha decides wait to see what happens, when sudddenly a little girl runs by. She is being chased by a dinosaur. She is wearing protective armor, and takes off a blade from her helmet, then throws it. The balde slices the dinosaurs head off, then attaches back on her helmet. She think's it is gross and freaky, so she zaps the dinosaur with a laser on her helmet, which blows it up. Yamcha and Pu'ar are meanwhile watching the little girl awkwardly. She sees Yamcha and is afraid. She tries to shoot him with the laser, but Yamcha jumps over it, and hits the little girl on the head, making her pass out. Pu'ar asks about Yamcha's fear of girls while they're driving away to catch up with Gokou and everyone, but he yells that he doesn't have a fear of a child. Meanwhile, back with Gokou, Bulma yells outloud complaining about the heat. Oolong gets mad because he doesn't want the Ox King hearing. Bulma thinks maybe if she could fly into the castle it would ne no problem. She asks Gokou if Gokou could get it by himself. Gokou shouts for Kin-to'un, and Oolong gets mad about the shouting. Gokou flies over the fire and sees the castle inside. He tries to fly down, but it's too hot. Oolong starts yelling about how he wants to leave, and Bulma's complaining about Gokou being a wuss when a large shadow creeps up behind them. A huge axe hurtles into a rock and gets stuck just next to Bulma and Oolong. They turn around and see the Ox-King. Gyu-Mao asks what they're doing on his land, and they start to stutter that they'rejust passing through. He thinks they came to steal his treasure, and asks if that's it. Bulma and Oolong stutter that they just came for the weh... (they keep stuttering and can't say anything but weh). Suddenly Gokou flies by yelling to them that it's too hot up on top to break into the castle. Gokou then sees Gyu-Mao, and asks who "this creep" is. bulma gets mad and shouts that it's the powerful, deadly, forgiving Gyu-Mao. Suddenly, Gyu-Mao asks Gokou if the cloud is Kin-to'un and where Gokou got it. Gokou explains that he got it from Kame-Sen'nin, a old turtle guy. Gyu-Mao explains that the "turtle guy" is his invincible old master. He wants to know where Kame Sen'nin lives when the tale ends.
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