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Dragon Ball: Tale 12: In Search of Kame-Sen'nin

Dragon Ball: Tale 12: In Search of Kame-Sen'nin

Tale 12: In Search of Kame-Sen'nin
Last time, Gyu-Mao saw Gokou's Kin-to'un and told him that the weird turtle guy (from a previous tale) was actually "Muten-Roshi" his master of long ago, Kame Sen'nin, a.k.a. the Turtle Master!! The Ox-king (Gyu-Mao) asks Gokou to tell him where Keme Sen'nin is. Bulma says that it's probably by the beach they saw him at. Gyu-Mao gets really excited that he'll be able to get back in his castle. He then sees Gokou's Nyoi-Bo, and asks if that's what it is. Gokou tells him that his grampa gave him it. Gyu-Mao asks if that was Son Gohan, which Gokou says it is. It turns out that Gyu-Mao actually knew Son Gohan! Meanwhile, Yamcha and Pu'ar are disgusing about how many suprised Gokou seems to have. Gyu-Mao then continues to explain that he didn't just knew Gokou's grandpa, but that he trained with Son Gohan, and Son Gohan was Kame Sen'nin's #1 student, while he was his #2 student! Bulma is suprised that the perv (a.k.a. Kame Sen'nin) was actually somebody. Gyu-Mao then asks Gokou a favor. This is that, Gyu-Mao might be able to put out the fire on his mountain, if he has a device called a "Basho-Sen" which Kame Sen'nin owns. Gyu-Mao wants Gokou to go and borrow it from Kame Sen'nin. Gokou says he will, and asks if he can have a dragon ball for it. Gyu-Mao says yeah, that's fine, and Bulma happily exclaims "Yay!" while Oolong is crying about how he's going to live. Yamcha, meanwhile, is suprised about how small the dragon balls are. (Gokou pulled out a dragon ball to show Gyu-Mao). He thought they were about the size of dodge balls. Gyu-Mao then asks another favor. He had sent his daughter to look for Kame-Sen'nin, and if Gokou sees her, to go and bring her with. Her name is Chi-Chi. Gyu-Mao then tells Gokou that he could give him Chi-Chi as his wife, but Gokou doesn't know what a wife is. (Yes, this is Chi-Chi from DBZ). Bulma and Oolong start to laugh, thinking of a fat, ugly girl who looks just like Gyu-Mao. Gyu-Mao shows a picture of her to Gokou so he knows what she looks like, and she turns out to be a cute little girl..., which is actually..., THE SAME GIRL YAMCHA HAD HURT IN THE PREVIOUS TALE!!! Yamcha sees the pictures and freaks out that she's the daughter of Gyu-Mao. He drives away as fast as he can to where he hit her on the head. She's still lying on the ground unconscience. He runs over and picks her up to see if she's ok. At first she's afraid and about to hurt him, but then Yamcha tells her he wants to apologize because he's actually in love with her. Chi-Chi goes crazy over the idea, but thinks that Yamcha might be lying, (which he is). Yamcha smiles to show her she isn't. ("Look at this face! Is this the face of a liar?). And smiles, but is still missing a tooth which Gokou knocked out while fighting. Chi-Chi is grossed out, and doesn't know if Yamcha's a liar, but thinks he looks weird. Yamcha sees Gokou flying towards them while Chi-Chi's thinking about what a date is like. He then drives away to hide, just as Gokou sees Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi thinks Yamcha's just as shy as she is. Gokou flies down and asks if she's Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi wonders why he knows her name already, and thinks he's in love with her. Gokou explains that the Ox-King told him to give her a ride, and tells her to get on Kin-to'un (which at first she thinks is cotton candy). She tells him that only people with clean and pure hearts can ride, and she tells him hers is as clean as an indoor toilet. She grabs his tail to get on, which hurts Gokou like crazy, and he falls off the cloud. She asks what happens, and he tells her not to squeeze his tail because he loses strength when she does. Yamcha, meanwhile, was luckily listening, and heard everything. Yamcha then decides that he's going to wait for Gokou, Bulma, and Yamcha to get all of the Dragon Balls, then steal them. Pu'ar tells him he should go to the dentist about his tooth, and Yamcha complains because he hates dentists. Meanwhile, Gokou is looking down at Chi-Chi and asks if she doesn't have what boys have, and thinks she's a girl. She tells him to stop telling him dirty words, and pushes him off the cloud. Meanwhile, Gyu-Mao is hoping that Gokou found chi-chi, while Bulma is thinking as long as he hasn't gotten "curious". Back on Kin-to'un, Gokou doesn't understand why she did that. Chi-Chi yells at him that he did a lot, but thinks to herself that his forwardness could only be a sign of true love! Gokou starts to explain that all he knows is that Kame Sen'nin is in the ocean, but it's big. Chi-Chi calls him dear and giggles, but he doesn't understand what it means, which makes her blush. He then asks a dolphin where Kame Sen'nin lives, and the dolphin points to where it is. Finally, they see a small island with one house in the distance. They fly over there and see Kame Sen'nin. Kame Sen'nin asks how Kin-to'un is. Gokou just hops off and asks if Kame Sen'nins been okay. He tells Gokou that he's never been better, but Chi-Chi is confused if this really is the invincible old master. This is when the tale ends.
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