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Dragon Ball: Tale 13: Fanning the Flame

Dragon Ball: Tale 13: Fanning the Flame

Tale 13: Fanning the Flame
Gokou and Chi-Chi still need to get the fan. Gokou tells master Roshi that he loves Kin-to'un, and Master Roshi tells Gokou that it was from Kami-Sama. That's when Muten Roshi notices Chi-Chi. He asks about why she looks different than Bulma (thinking it is Bulma) and that last time Bulma was more "BOING!". Gokou explains that it's not Bulma, but Gyu'Mao's daughter Chi-Chi. Muten Roshi think Chi-Chi would have been a better name for Bulma. (Chi-Chi is a baby word for breasts in Japanese). Chi-Chi doesn't think Muten Roshi is actually Muten Roshi. She decides to test him by taking off the blade on her helmet and throwing it full force at Muten Roshi while he's turned around. Muten Roshi hears it, then swings around thrusting his walking stick to attack it (he doesn't know what it is). Unfortunately for him, the blade cuts right through his walking stick and into his head. He screams in pain as Chi-Chi yells that she knew he wasn't actually Muten Roshi. He screams that not even an invincible old master is that quick, but she wants proof. He takes out his driving liscense and shows her, and she screams in suprise, then pulls out the blade from his head as she apologizes. She says sometimes she's a little hasty, but Muten Roshi says "Oooh, I hates her...". Muten Roshi now has a band-aid on his head and asks what Gokou wants. Gokou tells him they want the Basho-Sen. Muten Roshi asks if it's the magic fan that can raise a typhoon with a single wave, a thunderstorm with two, and a monsoon with three, then says he has it. Chi-Chi explains that she wants to borrow it to put out the fire on Fry-Pan Mountain. Mutren Roshi starts to think to himself, and Chi-Chi repeatedly yells out please!! He decides he will do it, but he has one condition. He brings Gokou over to talk in secret. He asks her if he'll have Bulma show him her breasts. The turtle (who's been by him the whole time), yells that he shouldn't, but Muten Roshi yells why can't a dying old man have his last wish. The turtle reminds him that he drank the Immortality Elixer. Gokou doesn't see what's so bad about it, and says it's fine. Muten Roshi asks him not to tell Chi-Chi or Gyu-Mao, and he says sure. Muten Roshi then runs inside to find the Basho-Sen, but doesn't remember where he put it. The turtle thinks he was using it as a potholder. Muten Roshi explains that he spilled wonton soup on it, and since it was so stained he threw it away! Chi-Chi complains that she'll never be able to go home, but Muten Roshi tells them that he'll personally go to put out the fire on the mountain. He then whispers to Gokou to tell Bulma, and Gokou says fine. Muten Roshi changes his cloths to look "professional" then summons Baby Gamera, a flying spinning turtle. He tells the turtle (normal one) to keep an eye on the island, but the turtle says he'd rather keep an eye on Muten Roshi. Muten Roshi gets on the flying, spinning turtle, and they fly away. Gokou and Chi-Chi reach the mountains first, and Gyu-Mao screams "What do you mean there ain't no more Basho-Sen?!" Gokou tells him Muten Roshi is coming, and points to him flying towards them in the distance. Gyu Mao is excited that he finally gets to see Muten Roshi again, but when Muten Roshi lands he starts throwing up (because of the spinning). Can they relie on him?!
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