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Dragon Ball: Tale 16: One Goal, One Enemy

Dragon Ball: Tale 16: One Goal, One Enemy

Tale 16: One Goal, One Enemy
Bulma, Gokou, and Oolong zoom towards a town with Yamcha closely following them. They are close to having all of the Dragon Balls. (Important Note: Bulma is still in her Bunny Outfit). Yamcha, Gokou, and Bulma reach the town and are happy because they can get fuel, but everyone runs away at the sight of them. They go to get gas, and the person asks if the best type of gas is ok (odd, isn't it?), Bulma decides to go shopping. Everyone runs away at the site of her. She sees a Hoi Poi capsule shop and ventures inside. Meanwhile, Oolong asks how much the gas will cost for their car, and the man stutters that it's alright, and they don't need to pay. Back in the shop, Bulma asks how much the Hoi Poi Capsules are, and the guy says it's free. (He's frightened of her for some reason). She walks out wondering why because one of the capsules alone was worth half a million Zeni. She thinks it's because she looks really good. Meanwhile, some guys with rabbit ears on walk in, and people run away from them. After Bulma goes to a cloths shop and changes her cloths, she talks about how it's great to be out of the rabbit outfit. The guy asks if she's part of the rabbit mob, and she says that she doesn't know what it is. He gets angry at her thinking she's making a very bad joke. When she's walking outside again (in her new cloths), no one is running away anymore. (Meanwhile, Yamcha's staring at them). Two people in rabbit costumes start threatning people and kicking things over. They are mean, and Bulma realizes they have rabbit ears. (Like she had when they (the people) were afraid of her). The two people want Bulma to go out with them, but she says no, and they think (well, know) that she's from out of town because she isn't "freezing in terror" at the name of the rabbit mob. She's about to leave when one of the rabbit mob people holds a gun to her head. Bulma explains to Gokou that they're bad, and he should beat them up, so he says okay. The rabbit mob people laugh at this. Gokou grins and easily beats them up. One rabbit mob person takes out a radio, and calls for the boss to help them. At this, everybody starts running away screaming about how they're doomed... and the tale ends.

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