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Dragon Ball: Tale 2: No Balls!

Dragon Ball: Tale 2: No Balls!

Tale 2: No Balls!
Bulma and Gokou decide to set up camp. At first Gokous wants to sleep on the ground, and use the leaves, but then Bulma uses a capsule to make a house. Gokou thinks it's witch craft, and is amazed when the lights are turned on. He thinks it's magic how Bulma made it "day-time" again. Bulma tricks Gokou into thinking there's a man trapped inside a box when she turns on the t.v, then smells Gokou. He smells terrible! Bulma find out Gokou hasn't ever even heard of a bath! She then gives Gokou a bath, but freaks out when she finds out Gokou's tale is real. She, herself, then decides to take a bath. Gokout then comes in and tries to scrub Bulma's butt for her, because she told him she had to for him because he was a little kid. He then mistakes his age by saying he is 14, and Bulma gets angry with him. Later, they decide to have dinner, but Gokou doesn't like the food so he catches a wolf and a centipede to eat. After eating his delicious meal Bulma forces him to brush his teeth, then sleep on the ground. Gokou wakes up before Bulma, and decides to sleep on the "pillow". He his head inbetween Bulma's legs and releases that she doesn't have what boys' have. He screams, afraid that Bulma has lost something, then tells Bulma her balls are missing. She runs to the dragon balls and realizes they are still there. With Bulma angry with Gokou, the tale ends.
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