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Dragon Ball: Tale 4: They Call Him...the Turtle Hermit!

Dragon Ball: Tale 4: They Call Him...the Turtle Hermit!

Tale 4: They Call Him...the Turtle Hermit
A strange old man comes to where Gokou and Bulma is. He is called Kame-Sen'nin! The turtle hermit. The turtle explains to Kame-Sen'nin about how only Gokou helped him and not Bulma. Kame-Sen'nin decides to reward Gokou by calling the Immortal Phoenix, so it can grant Gokou immortality. He then remembers that the Immortal Phoenix died from "the unpleasant-ness with the tainted bird seed." He then has a better idea, and calls forth Kinto'un! Kinto'un is a magical cloud which you are able to ride, but only if you're pure of heart. He shows Gokou how to get on, but the magical cloud wont let him on! He thinks it might be defective, but then Gokou jumps on, and is able to stay on. He then flies away and starts to have fun with it. Gokou thinks it's the greatest gift ever. Bulma wants one too, but the turtle says that she didn't help him out. She then yells about giving him the salt water. Kame-Sen'nin then tells Bulma if she lets him look at her panties, he'll give her something. The turtle now knows why the cloud wouldn't let him on. Bulma says ok, then lifts up her shirt. Kame-Sen'nin then tries to think of something to give Bulma. Bulma spots a Dragon ball on his neck and asks for it. It turns out he found it in the ocean years ago. She explains to Gokou about it, and Kame-Sen'nin starts to regret giving them the Dragon Ball. Bulma shows him her panties again, and Kame-Sen'nin says she can take it. They then go back to the house, when Bulma screams something about her panties. It turns out they weren't on the whole time, and she was naked! It also turns out Gokou had taken them off the night before. Bulma starts shooting him and is angry with him. Gokou doesn't understand what's so bad. Bulma packs up the house, and wants to go on Kinto'un. Gokou doesn't think she can, and he's right. Three days later, they reach a village where another Dragon Ball is. Bulma thinks it's a ghost town..., but Gokou thinks someone's there.
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