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Dragon Ball: Tale 5: Oo! Oo! Oolong!

Dragon Ball: Tale 5: Oo! Oo! Oolong!

Tale 5: Oo! Oo! Oolong!
Bulma still doesn't think anyone's in the town they had just arrived in. Gokou insists that someone is there, claiming that he can "feel" them. Bulma yells out to see if someone is there, but no one responds. Gokou decides to check out one of the houses. He knocks on the door, but no one answers. The door is locked, so he breaks a hole in the door with his arm, then opens the door. Someone runs at him with an axe, then hits Gokou on the head with it. The axe shatters as it hits Gokou's head. He becomes angry as a large bump forms on his head, and he is hurt. The man who hit him seems to think Gokou is someone called Lord Oolong. Gokou and Bulma don't know who Oolong is, so everyone from the village come outside. The man who had hit Gokou's head's daughter helps treat Gokou's wounds, as Bulma get angry at the man, because if had been her, she would have died. Gokou stares at the daughter's skirt and releases she's a girl. Bulma becomes angry and yells at Gokou not to stare there. Bulma asks the man who Oolong is, so the man tells her. Oolong is a demon, who is a shape-shifter. He comes to the village and kidnaps girls. The day before, he decided to marry the man's daughter. If they try to resists he had threatened to eat and kill all of the villagers. Bulma decides to ask about the dragonball, so she shows the people in the town hers, to ask if anyone has seen one. A grandma in the village says she has one. Bulma tells the grandma that if she gives her the ball, she'll help take care of the problem with Oolong. The grandma doesn't think Bulma can handle it, but Bulma says its not her, and she then points to Gokou saying he's the one who's going to. But Gokou's staring at the Grandma's skirt and then yells out, "Hey! You're a girl too!!" Bulma gets mad at him for staring. The man doesn't think Bulma can help, but Bulma has an idea. She forces Gokou to whre the daughter's cloths, so when Oolong comes to take her, he'll accidentally take Gokou, and lead Gokou to his lair. That way Gokou can rescue the girls. At that moment, Oolong appears at the town. Everyone leaves the scene, with Gokou alone outside. Oolong notices Gokou's shivering and thinks he's cold. Gokou thinks to himself, its actually because he really has to go pee! Oolong changes into a more handsome person so Gokou won't be scared. Bulma falls for his looks, and runs outside. She tells Oolong that she's a 34-C. Oolong doesn't know who to take with him, Bulma or Gokou. He then sees Gokou, who is taking a pee, and realizes he's a boy! Oolong get's mad, and Gokou is confused why Oolong knew. Oolong changes into a giant boar, then Bulma runs away back into the house, scared. Bulma tells Gokou that they're going to Plan B! Beat up Oolong, but don't kill him. Gokou happily discards his girl's cloths, and gets ready to fight Oolong.
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