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Dragon Ball: Tale 6: So Long, Oolong!

Dragon Ball: Tale 6: So Long, Oolong!

Tale 6: So Long, Oolong!
Gokou and Oolong start to taunt each other at first. Oolong yells at Gokou that Gokou's going to die, but Gokou doesn't believe him. Suddenly, Oolong realizes the time, and runs away, out of the village! Suddenly, he transforms into a pig. Gokou runs out of the town after him, but only sees the pig. Gokou asks where Oolong went, and the pig points in a certain direction. You then find out, Oolong's real form is the pig! He can change form as often and quickly as he wants. The only thing is, he can only stay in those forms for 5 minutes before he'll turn back to normal. After that, he needs a full minute break before he can transform again. Gokou walks back into the village, and thinks Oolong ran away. He starts to tell the town that Oolong is a chicken because he ran away, and Oolong gets mad. Oolong transforms and runs into the village. He is holding a large bowl of soup for some reason. He claims he took a break just to destroy another village. Goku isn't sure whether Oolong is going to fight, or just play dress-up. Oolong gets mad, and accidentally sticks his finger in the hot soup, burning himself. He starts yelling at Gokou, when a little boy sneaks up behind him and uses a sling-shot to shoot a stone at his head. Oolong gets mad, and is hurt bad from the stone. The mother brings him back inside. Gokou feels that Oolong is actually just a puny weakling. Oolong boasts he's the strongest in the world, so Gokou tells him his grandma taught him Kung Fu. Oolong tries to get Gokou to prove it, so he piles 3 bricks on top of each other, (each one he can hardly lift), and asks Gokou to break it with his bare hands. Gokou breaks the bricks with one of his fingers, so Oolong becomes scared, turns into a bat, and runs away. Gokou jumps on Kinto'un to chase Oolong. Oolong is reflecting on how embarrassing that was, and how he will never be able to terrorize that village again, when suddenly Gokou flies under him. Oolong turns into a rocket to fly away, but soon his 5 minutes are up, and he turns back into the little pig. Gokou captures Oolong as he falls, and brings him back to the village. As they are walking to Oolong's lair to get all of the girls back who he took, the grandma gives Bulma the Dragon Ball back. Also, Gokou tells Oolong that if he turns into an ant, Gokou will squish him. Oolong thinks, "How did he know...?" Finally, they get to Oolong's lair, which is actually a mansion. When they run into the mansion, they find the girls are actually being spoiled. Oolong tells them the reason he wanted a nice girl, is because all of the other girls are tiring him out. Finally, Gokou and Bulma leave the town, except with Oolong. Bulma decides his transforming power could be useful. Oolong is angry, but when Bulma is talking about how its so hot that she'll have to sleep in only her undies, he calms down a bit. He then realizes Gokou is looking down at his pants. He yells at Gokou, who asks if he's a guy. Oolong yells that he is, and Gokou should never look there again.
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