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Dragon Ball: Tale 8: One, Two, Yamcha-cha!

Dragon Ball: Tale 8: One, Two, Yamcha-cha!

Tale 8: One, Two, Yamcha-cha!
Yamcha drives in front of Gokou and greets him. Gokou asks who Yamcha, and Yamcah tells Gokou that he is Yamcha, and Pu'ar tells them that it's Pu'ar. Yamcha tells Gokou that, if Gokou wants to leave the desert alive, he'll have to give Yamcha all of his money and capsules. Oolong seems to remember Pu'ar as "Cry-baby Pu'ar", and Pu'ar remembers Oolong. Yamcah asks who he is, and Pu'ar tells Yamcha they went to shape-shifting school together until Oolong was kicked out for looking at the female teachers' panties. Oolong claims that it wasn't what it seems like, and Gokou thinks Oolong hasn't changed much. Yamcha is going to steal from them, when Oolong tells "Cha-Cha" that he'll have to get past Gokou first. Yamcah decides to kill them, but Gokou doesn't understand. Oolong yells at Gokou that he should fight because Yamcha wants to kill them. While all of this is going on, Bulma is still sleeping. Yamcha attacks Gokou, so Gokou jumps behind him, and bring out his Nyoi-Bo and hits Yamcha in the head, he then extends it and hits Yamcha in the stomach. Yamcha asks where Gokou heard of that staff, since he has only heard of one that extends. Gokou tells him his grandpa, Son Gohan, gave it to him. Yamcha had suspected that it was Son Gohan. He now knows not to lower his guard. Gokou claims he's hungry. Yamcha then calls upon the "Fist of the Wolf Fang". Gokou isn't paying attention, and Yamcha kicks him, then starts punching him. Finally he hits Gokou one last time, and Gokou flies away, smashing into pillars on the way. Oolong starts to suck up to Yamcha, and tells Yamcha he can transform, so he could help Yamcha. He realizes what he said, so he turns into a fly and starts flying away. Pu'ar then turns into a fly-swatter, then smacks Oolong. Oolong starts to hand over a "Size M" capsule, but Gokou suddenly gets out from a pile of rocks! He becomes angry because he had said he was hungry, and Yamcha hit him. Gokou's now ready for Yamcha. Yamcha attacks, and Gokou does his Rock, Scissors, and Paper attack. He yells rock as he punches Yamcha's hand, then yells scissors and he pokes Yamcha in the eye with his hand. Finally, he yells paper, and smashes Yamcha with the palm of his hand sending Yamcha flying away. After Yamcha starts to get up, Gokou it too hungry to continue fighting. Yamcha runs at Gokou, angry, but Gokou's just too hungry to keep fighting! Bulma suddenly wakes up. Yamcha sees Bulma, blushes, then freaks out. He runs away for some reason, claiming he'll be back for their capsules. Bulma asks them who that was, because she thinks he was a complete "Babe". You then learn Yamcha is freaked out of girls, when the tale ends.
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