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Dragon Ball Z Manga: Part 2-10

Dragon Ball Z Manga: Part 2-10

Well, Vegita...?!

There isn't much to this episode. Basically, what happens is Gokou and Vegita hava a blast off. Vegeta uses a "Gyarikku-Ho" on Gokou. Gokou then uses the only blast he knows... (besides Spirit bomb), Kamehameha. Vegeta is winning and Gokou therefore times his Kaio-ken by 4. (It was already x3). Vegeta is blown away.

The Moon

Gokou has spent too much of his power on the Kaio-ken! He can barely move. Yajirobe comes out of hiding and to show proof of Gokou beeing week he pats Gokou on the back. Gokou thinks it hurts like crazy. It then turns out Vegeta is still alive and well (well, maybe not "well"). Yajirobe runs back into hiding a Vegeta gets away from the blast. Vegeta is peeved and he comes back down. He decides to turn into his ultimate form, but as he looks up towards the moon he discovers it's gone! Now what Vegeta? Vegeta then decides to use a technique Gokou's dad made when he was alive..., to create the same type of light the moon creates! Vegeta starts turning into a hideous monster...

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