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Kyle Turns Super Saiyan.

Kyle Turns Super Saiyan

Later that day after Kyle and the others had been interviewed Kyle was walking down the street and saw Babadi blowing up many buildings and people. "My god!" Said Kyle. He ran over to Babadi and yelled "Babadi! Stop now!!!!" Babadi then sent a fireball at Kyle and Kyle got blasted into a building. The creature named Cell landed by Kyle and started punching his fists into him. Kyle started spurting out blood from his mouth and fell to the ground. Kyle had a sword in its sheath hanging on the back of him. Cell was going to destroy Kyle right then and now. But Goku appeared out of no where and kicked Cell straight into a wall and then sent a giant Kamehameha blast into Babadi blowing Babadi up.

Kyle slowly got up and he was bleeding from his elbows, legs , mouth, and from all the cuts over him. Kyle unsheathed his blade and held it up to the sky and yelled " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The Blade started changing red and a yellow aura sorounded his blade and then a red aura surrounded KYLE as he sent a giant blast Inot Cell and destroyed him. Kyle then flew off. Goku was amazed at how he had gotten to be a SS. Goku flew away wondering how he did it.

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