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Anything that you would want to know about me


Favorite Movie's: Braveheart, Fear, Haunting
Favorite Book: All of R. L. Stine's
Favorite TV Show: MTV's Real World, MTV's Road Rules
Favorite Actor: Mel Gibson
Favorite Actress: Saundra Bullock
Favorite Number: 24
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Type of Music: Country, but listen to anything.
Favorite DJ: Bryan, from 99.5 The Wolf
Favorite Musical Country Group: Brooks and Dunn
Favorite Country Song: Smoke Rings in the Dark by Gary Allan
Favorite Radio Station: 99.5 The Wolf
Favorite Muscle Group: All of them, too hard to choose!
Favorite Way to Pass Time: Talk on the partyline, or mess around on the computer.
Favorite WebSite: ChatHouse
Favorite Astrological Sign: Mine....Leo
Favorite Magazines: Seventeen, YM, Glamour, FLEX, MuscleMag, Muscle and Fitness
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Hockey, and Bodybuilding/Powerlifting
Favorite Dream Car: 1999 Black Pontiac Trans Am with Ram Air, Leather Interior, Monsoon Sound System, and just about any other additions.
Favorite position: That is a good, 77, Missionary, Doggie!
Favorite Game: Sex! *angelic grin*
Favorite Shoe brand: Nike
Favorite CLothes Store: Old Navy, Frederick's of Hollywood
Favorite Male Bodypart: Hmmmm...I plead the fifth on that one!
Favorite Alcoholic-drink: ApplePucker
Favorite Beer: Miller Lite all the way!
Favorite College: Texas Tech University...cause that's where the family brat is going!
Favorite Family member: My lil sister!
Favorite candy: American Bodybuilding Coconut protein bar
Favorite soft-drink: Mountain Dew and Squirt..a tie!
Favorite Vacation destination: The Bahamas
Favorite way of travel: Cruise ship, or by flying
Favorite type of phone: Cordless
Favorite Soap Opera: Days of Our Lives
Favorite Male Model: Beiron Andersson
Favorite Saying: Look out bitch!
Favorite Sport's Car: 1997 Firebird Formula, red, leather interior, CD player, T-tops, automatic transmission, with Allen in the passenger seat! *LOL*
Favorite Truck: 1997 Chevy Z-71, Black w/step side, Leather interior, with 6" inch lift kit, KC lights on top, and off-road wheels, 10 disk CD changer, and Aluminum Running rails on the side!!! HELL YA!!
Favorite Work-out partner: UGH...Lee, cause he was my only one! *LOL*
Favorite old boss: Brad...cause he was the best looking!
Favorite bed time story: Once upon a time...there was a gorgeous man......
Favorite Rap Group: ICP
Favorite Alternative Group: Matchbox 20
Favorite Fast-food Restaraunt: Subway
Favorite Dine-In Restaraunt: Olive Garden
Favorite branch of the Military Service: Navy
Favorite pick-up line: Hey baby, what's shakening?
Favorite childhood game: DUCK DUCK GOOSE
Favorite Tool: SCREWdriver
Favorite Boy's Name: Austin Allen
Favorite Girl's Name: MacKenzee Chanel
Favorite kind of bird: Parrot
Favorite Animal: dolphins
Favorite Year: 1999!!
Favorite Subject in school: EARLY RELEASE!! *LOL*
Favorite Toy: Stuffed toys
Favorite Fruit: Cherries
Favorite Hotel: La Quinta
Favorite Man: Allen....the man that stole my heart!
Favorite tool brand: Craftsman...*LOL*


Least Favorite Movie: Pat
Least Favorite Book: Secret's to planting winning crops
Least Favorite TV Show: Sesame Street
Least Favorite Actor: Any porchmonkey
Least Favorite Actress: Judith Light
Least Favorite Number: 15
Least Favorite Holiday: Any holiday I don't get anything on
Least Favorite Season: Spring
Least Favorite Type of Music: Bluegrass
Least Favorite Muscle group: none, I like them all
Least Favorite Way to pass time: sitting with not a damn thing to do
Least Favorite Website: Dumbsite
Least Favorite Magazine: Swimsuit Edition *LOL*
Least Favorite Color: PeaGreen
Least Favorite Sport: Bullfighting
Least Favorite Car: Ghetto peice of shit.
Least Favorite Game: pin the tail on the donkey
Least Favorite Shoe brand: Pro-Wings
Least Favorite Clothes Brand: K-Mart brand
Least Favorite College: Oklahoma State
Least Favorite Candy: 3 Muskateers
Least Favorite Drink: Lager
Least Favorite Vacation Destination: Mexico City
Least Favorite Way of Travel: Train
Least Favorite phone: old ones
Least Favorite Soap Opera: All My Children
Least Favorite saying: It's getting a little too crunk up in here!
Least Favorite old boss: BUTCH BENAVIDES
Least Favorite Fast-food Restaraunt: Wendy's
Least Favorite Dine-in Restaraunt: Luby's
Least Favorite branch of service: Coast Guard
Least Favorite pick-up line: Did you know that you are fine?
Least Favorite Tool: Wire-cutters
Least Favorite kind of bird: parakeet
Least Favorite Animal: snake
Least Favorite Year: 1995
Least Favorite Subject in School: Algebra
Least Favorite Fruit: papaya
Least Favorite Hotel: Days Inn
Least Favorite Man: Super-lardass-Dave

My Cap and Gown pic!

This is me before i lost 90 lbs.....It is scary be careful!

This is me at last years banquet with my Friend Lee! {{HUGSS}}

This is one of my Senior pix...I like this one the best! *S*

This is me at 3 years old...aren't I just a cutie??

Hi and thank you for entering my page.....I guess you'd like to know a little bit about me...Huh?? name is Jennie and I'm a Senior at Duncanville High School...I'm involved in the marching band there...this is a State year for we are planning on walking away with that Gold around our necks! I have a half sister that is 8 years old..her name is Chelsey. We look absolutely nothing alike...but that's fine with me! I am currently seeing a guy named ? who lives ?...oh..I live in Dallas, Texas. I'm 17 and he's? *S* I can't wait till I graduate...then all I can say is FREEDOM! I have brown hair/eyez...5'9"...long my waist...very strong for my age...I workout at the gym I go to...Duncanville Athletic Club...I have many friends up there...especially the guys...*BG* watchin the muscleheadz lift those heavy weights! I drive my license not too long ago..but I am a sane driver..*LOL*...but haven't had any wrecks yet..thank goodness! I drive a dinky minivan of my grandma's..but at least it get's me from point A to point B. I listen to all types of music..I love Brooks and Dunn, Vince Gill, Terri Clark, Alan Jackson, The Wilkinson's, Faith Hill, Toby Keith, Mark Wills, Sara Evans...the list goes on, I also like alternative, and R&B, basically everything! I will update later...but thanx for entering...*S*... and come back and see this amateurs progress! *S*

Ok...Here is an update......I have become active on a chatline over the phone...I have made many friends so far! My name is Exxxtasy on it...given to me by a sweet guy named Jody. Here is a list of my friends on there! They are as follows...Jody, Starburst, my Doddy-Deion, Tony, Erin, Craig-the aggitater, Stephanie, Chocolate, Staci, Centerfold, my sis-Rebel, Skittles, Russell, Creeper, Pineapple, Texas, Ann, Andrea, Dillon, K.B., Special K, Jerry, Fantasy, Brigette, Crystal, Kyle and/or Paintbucket, Mee-Moe, Jade, Dave, Ghost, Spankey, Nicole, Linda, Tony, Milkbone, Kevin, Rachel, Renee, Hell-A-Fied, Kim, Cracker, Mute, Mary, Michelle, Nicole, JudyBeth, Randy, Skittles, Shorty, Wendy, Crystal, LA, Paige, John, White Power, Jay, Edge, June, Screw, Casper, White Mike, Whiteboy, Romeo, J.D., Mark, Tim, Denny, Michael, Trent, La' Quesha, Amber, Colonel, Lil Jay, Lee, Jason, Spike, Precious, Anna, Screw, Esa', Boo-Jean, Blueberry, Vanessa, Lil Wayne and many others....*S* Oh well.....Umm...let's see....our HS marching band took 3rd in State this year! *BS* Our football team is in the play-offs! I am half way thru my Senior year! *HUGE ASS SMILE* Jennifer-my best OFFICIALLY single again....*L* My Mom has gotten MARRIED....*L* my Step-Dad's name is Mike! He is a nice guy....and my Mom loves him more than anything! They dated 6 months then tied the knot! Love you Mike-Dad! (KISS) I guess that is about it for now! *S* I'll add later!'s another update....The football team WON State..WEW HEW..STATE CHAMPIONS! I have completed the first semester of my Senior year, one more to go! Hmmmm....what else to tell you!???? I'm thinking about getting a Dodge Ram pick-up or a Chevy Z71...I love those! Oh well...this update is VERY short...sorry!

Ok, here's a new update. Kraig, my best guy friend has now moved to Oklahoma. He had to move with his job, makes me sad, but whatever is good for him is good for me! I have now found me a job..FINALLY! I work for Benavides Mexican Restaraunt in Duncanville, Tx! I began working there on the 17th of February! It is fun! I have about 10 more weeks till I graduate......I plan on getting a new car the week before I graduate, then graduate and then get another job to fill up my time, so I won't have to be around the T. Jones all the time, I would go NUTZO!!!! I'm soooooo glad that I'm a SENIOR!!! WEW HEW!!!! Senior '99!!!! YEA!!!!! Oh, I'm not quite as involved in that chatline as much as I was, a woman that has NO life decided to call my house and tell my Grandma a WHOLE lot that she didn't need to know about me!!!!! So, I'm basically unable to get on it here at the house, so I get on at other houses and at school and shit like that! I have liked many guys over my 7 month lay-off period of being on the line!!! Like Tony, Romeo, and a couple others that shall remain my secret because of people on the line having the URL for this page. So, sorry guys and gals.....but that is for me to know...and if you are special enough...u might be able to find out! There is one guy that gets on there....Spanky...he's 15! here is a link
to his is sort of good! A real AMATEUR though.....*ggl* bud..he has left for a 4 week driving mission! He is ALL over the US and Canada! Oh well........all I can say is Look out Biotch!!!! heehee....will update when I fucking feel like it! So......shut up bitch!

Ok, kewl, here I am again! It is me, Jennie!! Another update, OK, I made it through my Senior year, YA!!!! I graduated on Thursday, May 27th, 1999 at Panther Stadium in Duncanville, TX. Thank you very much! I'm attempting to save all that I'm recieveing for graduation for a car. My cousin Amber
graduated from Desoto on Thursday night too! Kinda sucky, we had to split the Grandparents for the ceremony! Scott Lee was the Valedictorian, and Edward Liu was the Salutatorian for my Graduating class of '99! I had 600 something in mine and Amber had 400 something in her's! Lee and I have started working out again, sort of! Jennifer is working at a doctor's office now, so now she has a job! And, i don't work at Benavides anymore! I haven't worked there in about a month! So, now I'm looking again! *LOL*....The chatline is getting so damn boring!!! OH MY GOSH, let me tell you, BORING!!!!!! 3/4's of the people are backstabbers, I can't stand hardly any of them now! oh well, more freedom for me, and actually let's me have a life, instead of sitting on that fucked up chatline, full of 400 lbs. FAT HOES!!!!! Anyways, I've made a few new friends, HI Allen, Luther, Nic, and Jeff!!!! Anyways, when I think of something else to add, I will!!!! Anyways, I'll type more shit later!!! BYE, and for the partyliners that come and look at this page, that i HATE...FUCK OFF!!!! GO TO HELL, and I hope you sit on your fat ass for more years and collect more celllulite in your ass!! FUCK YOU FAT HOES!! Anyways, **angelic smile** Bye everyone else that I actually like and/or care about!!!

I've now graduated and I'm interviewing for jobs, Amber is going off to Texas Tech, Chelsey lives with my Mom again now and she is out of my hair. I hope to have my own car, and be moved out by December. I have made some good friends on the partyline and I still hang out with some!! Oh well....I'm just tired of most of those people though. I'm trying to settle down as much as possible so that I can get my life under control and be able to live on my own and take care of myself, so that I don't have to worry about being taken care of! I'm so ready for my independence to be in my hands, that it's not even funny!!! Oh well....this now graduated chic is out again.....hello to my friends Fritz, Jeff, Mute, Mary, Jennifer, and all my other special friends.....I'm out...

What's up everyone? Anyways...I am now employed with American Airlines and work at the Dallas, Tx. Reservation Office. I think that it is so totally kewl, I love helping people, and talking on the phone. Also, I'm just about to FINALLY get my own car. Thank God! Amber is now living in Ennis with her boyfriend, and "future in-laws"! *LOL* She gave up Texas Tech, and is now working for Bennigan's! Her car is fucked up now, she drove it too damn much, she put 11,000 miles on her car in 3, read that right, 3 months. That is outrageous don't u think??? OH well, I'm planning on traveling to Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Honolulu, and to some city in North Carolina. *LOL* I don't know what else to say, so I guess I'll go for now! Check all ya'll later! **smooooooooochies** to JohnCamLive, nink, Jock-E, jacrabit, justjackin, RealBear, Erewhon, Nora, Shurefire, and all the others out there that I didn't name. **Huggles** atcha too! Bye all! Until nexxxt time..............