Hi, I hope you're enjoying my webpage so far. These are cliques. They describe pieces of my likes, dislikes, and personality. If you want to put some of them on your page, click on them and get them from the site that I got them from. Love, Jenny :-)

Crazy Insane Archie Comics! I'm Addicted To MusicKlutzy! 50's Chica Totally Not A Ditz!! Smiling Is Cool Rainbow Girl - I'm An Enviromentalist!*purple rox* -I'm a GaP ChiCa--i'm short..and damn proud of it!- -i luv ta chew gum!- ...smart is sexy... S.i.S. .comedy. .people who smoke suck. I'm Like Jan Brady Two of a Kind Love is Wonderful Please let me live happily ever after(a href="https://www.angelfire.com/hi3/blaaah/index.html") I'm a member of the Perfection is Boring clique, click here to join.

they.call.me.a.dog.so.i.must.be.cute i.a.m.not.all.here i.am.a.crazee.dazeem.e.a.n.k.i.d.s.r.e.a.l.l.y.s.u.c.k
sleep? what's that?
.pop..uhuh thats the good stuff.