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Dr Lourys Perusals & Bits of Wisdom

Dr. Loury is going to school at Southwestern Baptist Seminary. Praise God, Drusilla he is a preacher. The Doctor is still Medically working part time and is sharing the seminary adventure with his church people.NOTE: Loury Drue graduated on May 7, 2004 from seminary with Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages.

Jay presents Ordination Certificate to Dr. Loury----AND ALL GODS PEOPLE SHOUTED GLORY

It looks like the folks below know something the rest of the world does not know. I think so and maybe some are about ready to step out of the boat, probably some have already stepped out and got wet with the Holy Spirit and maybe some just got wet but will try again.

Dr. Loury's Wednesday night Bible study Group
Courses of Study
  • Easy
  • Greek
  • Fun
  • Fast
  • This means laptop which Dr. Loury now has way to go now publish the address. His email address is:
  • As of 12/2/2001 The good doctor has been so busy in school he has not been able to utilize this page but the time is coming when he will.

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    June 6, 2007 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Have you ever heard your parents or grandparents talk about revival meetings that would go on for several days? Have you heard them sing hymns such as "There Is Power In the Blood," "Victory In Jesus," and "I'll Fly Away?" Now is your chance to come worship God in the old time way and listen to an evangelist who will open God's word and open our eyes. Many who follow Christ need to be refreshed with the preaching of God's word. Many who never have know Christ need to hear! Remember that faith comes by hearing the word of God. You are all invited to Joplin Baptist Church, the little red church on the hill in Joplin, TX to the revival. Mark your calendars! The eight days of revival services are coming to Joplin Baptist Church. Everyone is invited and bring friends to hear the evangelist Brother Fred McCoy of Georgia. He and his wife Lynda have spent many years as missionaries in South Africa. Brother Fred gave revival services in the summer of 2005 at Joplin Baptist Church. Services will be at 11 am on Sunday, June 10 and June 17. Services will be at 6 pm on Sunday night June 10 through Saturday night June 16. Refreshments will follow each service. It is time for you to attend an old-fashioned country-style Spirit-led revival. Please, come. This may make the most important difference in the rest of your life. Loury Drue Nero, D.O. Pastor of Joplin Baptist Church 972-289-4720 cell 940-507-1008 We are thinking about a motto for Joplin Baptist Church. How about: Proclaim God's word and show His love! Thank you for visiting this page. God bless you all.