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Here are some poems by me and some that might not be... Enjoy

Buna High

As we entered Buna High
Scared of what is to come
And especially of the title "fish"
Lost in our way to find the right class
Looking upon the many new faces

We did begin to grow Learning many new things Never forget the good times together The classes filled with excitement to learn And the ideal of growing up

Many trips on big yellow dogs Lockers filled with pictures Lunches around the table of cafeteria food Hi and byes as passing friends In the busy hall

Some classes tough and stressful While others just fun Excuses to get out of Spanish Table dancing in Physics Getting kicked out of Government And teachers become friends

These years together was wonderful and great Full of much tears, joys and fears We grew and change From our attitude to friends And found our pathways and gain the name "Senior"

It now has come to an end Time to dress in blue And walk across the stage Not turning to look back On friends we left behind at Buna High

But As we look into our past, We realize the years have flown by, Yet time has saved the best for last Never letting our memories die.

-Amanda Haynes


This is the day I have waited for many years The feel of excitement But also nervousness has taken over

I sit surrounded by many other friends We all dress nicely in our blue growns Place on our heads a blue cap With a blue and white tassel hanging down

One by one our name is called Time to walk across that stage And look out into the room Crowed full of family and friends

My name has been called So I start on my way I get on stage but pause for a minute As I turn and look behind me

My friends are sitting there With tears in their eyes Remembering all the times we had together Wishing there could be more

Teachers that touch my life Are there with big smiles on their faces They have help me to learn and grow Also showed me to have fun and everything I do

Then I see a mother and father filled with excitement There baby girl as grown up They have been there my whole life Helping me the whole way though

I keep walking down the stage I have just left a old world That I knew for many years With a whole new world to explore

I could not be here now If I did not have that support From the three most important people that I know Friends, Teachers, and especially Family.

-Amanda Haynes

These first two poems was writen by me describing how I felt about graduation.