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You have come to the place to find out how to bind a troublemaker. I have a couple of different bindings here, so you can pick the one that fits your needs.
Read on...

Binding and Banishing Spell Done With Runes

**you will need runes or rune cards, three black candles, an athame(or something to serve as one,) a cauldron or stainless steel bowl, and a sheet of parchment/paper.

**Cast your circle.

1.Write the name of the person the spell will bind and banish on the paper, and infuse it with your energies. (be careful not to infuse with anger.)

2. Use the 3 black candles: one for binding, one for banishing, the last for the person's (to be bound/banished) lot.

3. Carve the symbols of TYR, PEORTH, HAEGL, ISA, and THORN on the candles and when you are carving them, use the incantation...

**(person for whom the spell is written)I carve THORN into this candle to protect (person spell is protecting) from you, NYD to keep a cavern forever between you and them, ISA to stop you completely from hunting them, HAEGL to ice over you desires to give pain, PEORTH to give you a hale and happy lot, and TYR to seal this binding & banishing spell.

4. Empower them with your energies and those of Hecate and Thor and those of your spirit animal.

5. Light the candles and say as you take the paper and fold it in thirds, three different ways...
**(person bound)I bind you from doing harm; harm against (1st person/thing), harm against(2nd person/thing) and harm against yourself.

6. Place the folded paper in the cauldron and light it on fire saying...
**I banish you from(person you are protecting)wherever they may go.
When the flames have thus consumed
The Spell is empowered, never undone.

7. Then state again the intention of the spell...
**this spell is intended to bind(bindee) from doing harm towards(people protected) and anyone else. This spell is intended to banish(bindee) forever from(persons being protected)life; where they go (bindee) must flee from. This spell is intended to keep(bindee)hale, hearty and happy. As Thor and Hecate will it, so mote it be. It is never intended to be undone.

8. Close the circle and take down the World-Hedge

9. Say as you look down at the burning candles...
**And when the burning is complete, the spell is sent out to bind, banish and protect. Flames always to burn, spell never to be undone. Harm it none, so mote it be.

*****This binding courtesy of my friend*****

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