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Elemental Order Of The Sacred Silver Moon

Alas, our name has changed. It was Order of the New Dawn, but as with many things in life, it has changed along with our coven. Now worries, we are happy with the change and wish the former members well! And even more exciting yet...Samhain! It was a fun-filled energetic time, as always, full of playful faries and lots of visitors who came through the veil to join us for this most special occasion.
We knew something special was happening when each of our 12 candles surrounding us went out, one by one...and for no apparent reason. The only light that remained was our altar candles and even those threatened to go out...I believe one did actually. All in all, it was a very eye opening experience...lots of information was shared and learned...especially when I realized what the unusual cold spot was behind me!

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