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ABUNDANCE CRYSTALS - Clear quartz crystal with many time crystals growing at the base. Love, abundance, protection, creativity, good fortune, blessings, growth. Helps dreams and wishes to flourish.

AGATE - Chalcedony/Quartz. Love, prosperity, luck , wealth, longevity, courage, protection, balance, harony, generosity, strength. Calms and soothes emotions. Healer.

ALEXANDRITE - Regeneration, renewal, rebirth, protection, joy, emotional well being.

AMAZONITE - Green feldspar. Truth, sincerity, self-esteem, communication, trust, psychic powers, clarity, vision, divination.

AMBER - Solid/Petrified tree sap from a pine tree. Golden or amber in color. Love, purification, wisdom, energy, balance, patience, strength, calming, healing, past life recollection, purification. Helps in discovery of ancient knowledge.

AMETHYST - Quartz. Violet-Dark Purple in color. Spiritual awarness, meditation, balance, psychic abilities, pease, healing, positive transformation, relieves stress. Understanding of death and rebirth. Unlocks spiritual, mystical and psychic wisdom. Healing.

APATITE - Acceptance, love, concentration, clarity, logic, peace & harmony with communication.

AQUAMARINE - Blue-gree member of beryl clan. Cleansing, meditiation, prophecy, serinity, inspiration, tranquility, peace, strength, wise use of inner power. Calms fears. Helps in communication with the nature spirits of the sea. Safe travel on water.

APATITE - Acceptance, love, concentration, intellect, clarity. Peace and harmony through communication.

AQUAMARINE - Blue-green beryl. Cleansing, meditation, serinity, prophecy, tranquility, peace, strength & use of inner power wisely. Calming. Helps to get in touch with sea spirits. Promotes safe travel on water.

ARTEMIS CRYSTALS - (candle crystals) Long, thin, clear quartz with sharp undamaged point. Independence, freedom, protection. Speeds prayers and visualizations.

AVENTURINE - A green quartz. Prospeity, career success, calmin, creativity, imagination, balance, healing.

AZURITE - Blue metallic mineral. Cleansing, healing, clarity, kindness, patience, prophecy, truth, psychic dreams.

BLOODSTONE - Dark green chalcedony with red flecks. Quartz clan. Abundance, rain, alignment, generocity, smooth energy flow, good fortune, purification.

CALCITE - Carbonate mineral. Gold -Deepens intellect, memory, wisdom, channeling & astral projection. Green -Emotional balance & general healing. White -Spirituality. Red -Opens the heart.

CARNELIAN - Red-Orange or brown Chalcedony. Sociability, emotional warmth, individuality, happiness, self-esteem, creativity, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, acceptance of death and rebirth, past life recall.

CELESTITE - Light-blue or white stronium compound. Awareness, enlightenment, spiritual development, empathy, prayer, innocence, truth, purness of heart and contact with our guardian angel.

CHRYSOCOLLA - Blue-green quartz. Serinity, peace, patience, subconscious wisdom, nurturance, tolerance, unconditional love, meditation, honesty, hope, intimacy, gentelness and sensitivity.

CHRYSOPRASE - Green chalcedony. Communication, balance, stability, adaptability, choices, higher consciousness, youthfulness and happiness.

CITRINE - Golden-yellow quartz. Prosperity, creativity, generocity, pleasure, protection, strength, allignment, confidence, healing, stability, moderation, comfort, career success, truth, warmth, enjoyment of life and spiritual growth.

COPPER - Channeling, luck, abundance, purification, self-esteem, communication and energy.

CRYSTALS - (clear quartz) AKA quartz crystals. Wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, purness of heart, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, meditation, harmony and love. Amplifies prayers, wishes and visualizations.

CRYSTAL CLUSTERS - (clear quartz) Protection, harmony, union, friendship, intimacy, participation, cooperation, purification, breaks up negative energy in the environment.

DIAMOND - Bonds relationships, promotes longevity, love, innocence, clarity, abundance, courage, purity & hope.

DIOPTASE - Relieves mental stress, fosters prosperity, meditation, love, emotional expressiveness, and it's thought to be very healing.

DOUBLE TERMINATED CRYSTALS (clear quartz) Natually faceted at both ends. Psychic ability, dream recall, balances mind, body and spirit. Easier access to meditative states, spirit world and our own inner spirit.

EMERALD - Green member of Beryl clan. Love, romance, joy, clairvoyance, clear vision, memory, faith, cleansing, intuition, serenity, intelligence, truth and communication.

FLOURITE - Blue -Calms emotions. Purple -increases spiritual balance and mystic visions. Yellow -nurtures wisdom and intelligence. White -builds purity of spirit. All flourite offers psychic protection and healing.

GARNET - Silicate mineral. Red -romantic love, passion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, postive thoughts, inspiration, energy, confidence, and social success. Green -Peace, serenity, meditation, creativity, healing, purification adn patience.

GOLD - Virtue, moral excellence, nobility of the mind, happiness, honor, wealth, strength of will, generocity, positive thoughts, energy. good humor, courage, luck, and opportunity.

HEMATITE - Willpower, reliability, concentration, courage, optimism, trust and balance. Beneficial in legal situations.

HERKIMER DIAMOND - Tiny quartz crystals found only in Herkimer, NY. Usually double terminated. Originality, individuality, dream recall, imagination, psychic powers, & amplifies energy and creativity.

INNER CHILD CRYSTALS - Quartz crystal with another, smaller crystal partially embedded in it. Helps to go back to childhood and heal the child within. Excellent during psychological therapy.

JADE - Fertility, longevity, practicality, wisdom, tranquility, balance, & stability. Helps us understand our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of nature and spirit.

JASPER - Red, yellow or brown chalcedony. Quartz clan. Relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, healing, serenity, gentle endings and organizaltion ability.

KUNZITE - Gentleness, friendliness, self-discipline, emotional balance, inner love, maturity, security, calmness, openness & moderation. Helps to attract gentle friends.

KYANITE - Channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, clear visualizations, loyaly, honesty and serinity.

LABRADORITE - Blue feldspar. Strength and protection of aura, aids in communication with highest slef and creator. Strengthens our will. Encourages wise use of mystic powers.

LAPIS LAZULI - Dark blue with gold flecks. Openness, inner power, love, intuition, sense of wonder and mystery, positive magick, truth, virility, manifestation, psychic ability, self-confidence, tranquility, strength and contact with Spirit Guardians.

LEPIDOLITE - Cosmic awareness, transcendence, emotional balance, prayer, meditation and goodness. Helpful for insomnia.

MALACHITE - Green. Subconscious wisdom, loyalty, leadership ability, comfort, balance, enotional maturity, sensitivity, inner clarity, positive transformation, peace, protection, and healing. Reflects the feelings of those who wear it. Draws out negativity.

MERLIN CRYSTALS - Sending or generating crystals. Single terminated quartz with six facets that come to a sharp undamaged point. Concentration, focus, wise use of magickal power, inner convergence, love and peace.

MILKY QUARTZ - Whitish and opaque. Gets us in touch with the hidden, invisible, elusive within us and without. Helps to tap into deep wisdom and mysteries that are buried in our culture and ourselves.

MOLDAVITE - A green meteorite. Good for channeling healing energy. Helps us communicate with our higher self and with extraterrestrials.

MOONSTONE - A feldspar. Usually milky white with a bluish tint. Happiness, good fortune, unselfishness, humanitarian love, safe travel on water, mothering, hope, new beginnings, abundance, ancient wisdom. Protective of women and nature. Gets us in touch with our feelings.

MYTHIC CRYSTALS - Double-terminated milky quartz. Permits us to move back and forth in history to unravel the mystery of the great myths. Helps to understand the collective subconscious.

OBSIDIAN - Black. Inner growth, positive change, fulfillment, introspection, practicality, stability, manifestation, and psychic development. Exposes rationalizations and self-illusions.

ONYX - Black or brown banded chalcedony. Quartz clan. Vigor, stamina, consistancy, tenacity, self-control, strength, happiness, contentment and virtue.

OPAL - Quartz. Love, passion, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontinaity, peace, consciousness, and dramatic ability.

PEARL - Purity, innocence, integrity, concentration, focus, honesty, serenity and wisdom.

PERIDOT - Green. aka Olivine or Chrysolite. Renewal, rebirth, growth, stress reduction, health, recuperative abilities, comfort, relaxation, and intuition. Helpful for healing the healers.

PHANTOM CRYSTALS - A quartz crystal the has a dim outline of another crystal within it. Past life recall, inner growth and transcendence. Reminds us of the reality of life after death.

PYRITE - Yellow metallic mineral. Intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, channeling abilities, memory, optimism, practicality, and willpower. Allows us to discover our own unique talents.

QUANTUM CRYSTALS - Three or more, Double-terminated quartz crystals that are joined together. Quantums alter statistical probablities of our wishes, prayers, and visualizations coming true. They also allow us easier access to alternate realities.

RAINBOW CRYSTALS - A clear quartz witha rainbow inside. Facilitate hope, happiness, optimism and respect for nature.

RHODOCHROSITE - Compassion, tolerance, kindness, emotional expressiveness, healing, harmony, friendship, smooth energy flow, self-love and spiritual awareness.

RHODONITE - Refinement, gracefulness, courtesy, tact, calmness, self-esteem, and inner growth. Helps in reaching full potential.

ROSE QUARTZ - Pink. Enhances all forms of love. Opens hearts and teaches us to be tender, peaceful, and gentle. Exudes unconditional love and helps attract love.

RUBY - Enthusiasm, integrity, healing, devotion, courage, happiness, passion, romance, generocity, emotional warmth, inspiration, prosperity, energy, inner power, and leadership ability.

RUTILATED QUARTZ - Determination, self-reliance, will, volition, steadfastness, self-control, joy, general healing and communication with spirit-guardians. Intensifies the powers of quartz.

SAPPHIRE - Dark Blue- Intuition, meditation, creative expression. Green- Luck. Orange- Friendliness, optimism, wisdom. Pink-Love,loyalty. Star- Centering independance, psychic abilities. Yellow- intellect, learning, memory. White- Spiritual development ans self-appreciation.

SELENITE - Clear-colored gypsum. Universal love, positive thoughts, truth, serenity, purification, integrity, spirituality, clarity or thought, purity of heart, meditation and universal consciousness.

SILVER - Grounding, mystic visions, mothering, hope, meditation, nurturance, spiritual and romantic love, sensitivity. Sacred to the Moon Goddess, who loves and protects women and nature.

SMOKEY QUARTZ - Stability, practicality, pride, joy, calmness, positive thoughts, fearlessness and a realistic grounded spirituality. Helps turn wishes, dreams and desires into reality. Teaches us to tap into subconscious wisdom and to simplify our lives.

SODALITE - Calms emotions, and mind. Good for meditation. Has a natural affinity with the third eye center.

SUGILITE - Dark purple. aka Luvulite. Linked with conscious awareness, spiritual attainment, channeling ability and healing. Helps the idealist and the extremely kindhearted remain unhurt by the shocks of the world.

SUNSTONE - Fledspar that displays aventurine appearance. Contains red hematite, which gives it reflective qualities. Enhances personal power & will. Helps heal depression, provides protection, health and physical energy. Stimulates sexual arousal and increases sexual energy.

TABULAR CRYSTALS - Clear quartz crystals with a flattened shape. Communication, integration, smoothe energy flow, balance, understanding and dialogue with people. Helps communicate with nature and with spirit beings.

TIGER'S EYE - A Brown chalcedony with gold highlights. Quartz clan. Personal empowerment, integrity, clear thinking, willpower, practicality, grounding, courage, grace, and the ability to see clearly without illusions.

TOPAZ - Blue- Meditation, psychic powers, spiritual growth, tranquility and leadership ability. Clear- Communication with nature. Green-Forgiveness and understanding. Golden- Generocity, happiness, sense of humor, abundance and attracts love. Pink- Honor and truth.

TOURMALINE - Wide color range. Objectivity, flexability, compassion, happiness, serenity, balance, transformation, healing, channeling, and strength. Blue- Peace. Green- Prosperity. Pink- Love. Black- Protection. Multi-colored- Live harmoniously with all people.

TOURMALINATED QUARTZ - Black tourmaline crystals inside of clear quartz. Balances and unites conscious with subcanscious, male with female, spirit with matter. Brings harmony to any polarity. Encourages moderation and unity.

TURQUOISE - Inspires empathy, honest communication, love, serenity, balance, friendship, strength, general healing, positive thinking, meditation, and emotional sensetivity. Connects us with all life.

VARISCITE - Augments moral courage, virtue, self-reliance, success and calmness. Helps in remembering our past lives.

ZIRCON - aka Hyacinth. Brown- Helps us attract land, home. Blue- Spirituality, prayer. Pink- Helps us to appreciate life. White or Clear- Purification.

If you know of a crystal or Gem that I have left off the list,
e-mail me and let me know and I'll be more than happy to add it.
Just click the link below and put "Crystals/Gems" in the subject line.


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