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ACHTLAND : Pan-Celtic, A Goddess queen that no mortal man can satisfy. Took a giant from faery world as a mate. Legend has it that she loved combing his long fair hair.

ADSULLATA : British, Goddess of hot springs, who came from Celtic Gaul to Brittany. Probably a minor sun-goddess herself, she was the origin of the Anglo-Celtic sun Goddess Sul, before the Celts made the majority of their sun images male deities and moon images became female.

AERTEN(AERFEN/AERON) : Anglo-Celtic, Cornish, Welsh. Goddess of FATE. She presided over wars of several Celt clans.

AGRONA : Anglo-Celtic, Welsh. Goddess of WAR. (Equated often with the Morrigan)

AIFE(AOIFE) : Goddess/Queen of the Isle of Shadow. Her sister/rival Scathach shared the title with her.

AINE(AN-yuh) : Irish. Woman of the Leanan Sidhe. Possible that she was the daughter of Manannan, possible she was even the Morrigan herself.

ANDARTA : Gallic. Goddess of Fertility. Patron Goddess of the Vocontii tribe.

ANDRASTE : Roman/Celtic/Anglo-Celtic/British. Patron Goddess of the Iceni tribe.

ANU : Irish. Goddess of Plenty and Mother Earth. Deity of health, prosperity, fertility & comfort. She is thought to be the greatest of all Irish Goddesses.

AOIBHELL : Irish. Woman of the Sidhe. Craig Liath was her dwelling.

ARIADNE : European. Goddess of Crete. In Celtic Gaul, she is the only Greek deity known to have been worshipped.

ARIANRHOOD : Welsh. Goddess of fertility, beauty and reincarnation. Silver Wheel & High Fruit Mother. This sky-goddesses palace was Aurora Borealis(Caer Arianrhold.)

ARNAMENTIA : British/Roman-Celtic/Anglo-Celtic. Water Goddess.

AVETA : Roman Celtic/Gallic. Goddess of birth and midwifery.

BADB : Irish goddess of life, inspiration and wisdom. Sister of Macha, the Morrigan and Anu. Name means "battle-raven" & "boiling."

BELISAMA : Celtic, Goddess of fire and light, the forge and of crafts. Wife of God Belenus and Goddess of Mersey River.

BLODEUWEDD : Welsh. Lily maid of Celtic initiation ceremonies. AKA the ninefold Goddess of Western Isles of Paradise. "Flower Face" ; "White Flower"

BRIGANTIA : British/Anglo-Celtic. Pastoral Goddess. River Goddess. "high-One" Associated with Imbolc. Cattle, water, fertility, victory, healing.

BRITANNIA : Roman-Celtic/British. Became symbol of British Empire. Genia Loci of Britain who first appears on coins Antoninius Pius in 2nd century AD.

CAILLEACH BHEUR : Scottish/Irish/ Manx. Great Goddess in her Destroyer aspect; "veiled one." Also called Scota, from which came Scotland. Goddes of Winter. Ancient Goddess of pre-celtic proples of Ireland. Controled the weather and seasons. Goddess of earth, moon, fire, and sun.

CERRIDWEN : Scottish/Welsh. Moon Goddess. Great Mother. Goddess of Nature.

CLIODNA : Irish/Scottish. Goddess of Beauty and Otherworld. Often took form of a sea bird and was the symbol of Celtic afterlife.

CLOTA : Scottish. Goddess of the River Cycle.

CONDWIRAMUR : Welsh/Cornish. Guardian of feminine mysteries, Goddess of Sovereignty. Appears briefly in Grail legends.

CORRA : Scottish. Goddess of Prophesy. Appeared in the form of a crane.

COVENTINA : Anglo-Celtic/Scottish/British. water Goddess of certain affinities.

CRED : Irish/Scottish/ Also Creide. Faery Queen Goddess.

CYHIRAETH : Welsh. Once a Goddess of streams and later thought of as a faery spirit/portent of death.

DAMARA : Anglo-Celtic. Fertility Goddess associated with Bealtain.

DAMONA : Gaul. Goddess of Healing and Fertility.

DIVONA : Gaul. Fertility Goddess associated with water.

DRUANTIA : Breton. "Queen of the Druids." Fir Goddess. Mother of Tree Calendar.

EPONA : Pan-Celtic. Goddess of Horses. Mother Goddess. "Great Mare" "Divine Horse"

ERCE : Anglo-Celtic. Earth Mother and goddess of the Harvest. Basque in origin.

GOEWIN : Welsh. Goddess of Sovereignty. Held the feet of Math during his reign.

HABETROT : Anglo-Celtic. "Spinning" Goddess. Spell casting and turning the Wheel of the Year.

HENWEN : Anglo-Celtic. A Sow Goddess. The deity who brought abundance to England, by giving birth to "litters" throughout the land.

LATIS : Anglo-Celtic. Goddess associated with water. Origianlly Lake Goddess who became the Goddess of Ale and Meade.

Le Fay : Welsh/Cornish. Goddess of the Sea and of Isle of Avalon.

MARCIA PROBA : Anglo-Celtic. Celtic warrior Queen that lived around 3rd century BCE. Some scholars claim that the Magna Carta was based on her laws, the Marcian Statutes.

MODRON : Welsh. Most potent of the Celtic mother Goddess. "Divine Mother"

MORGAN LeFay : Welsh. Death Goddess. Can cast a destroying curse on any man.

MORGAY : Scottish/Anglo-Celtic. Harvest Goddess.

MORRIGAN : Pan-Celtic. Crone Aspect of Goddess; Great Mother; Moon Goddess; Great White Goddess; Queen of Fairies. Symbolized by the raven or crow. "Great Queen"; "Supreme War Goddess"; "Queen of Phantoms and Demons" Shape-Shifter. Reigned over the battlefield, but never engaged in battle. Goddess of War, Fate and Death.

NANTOSUELTA : Continental. River Goddess from Celtic Gaul.

NICEVENN : Scottish. A Samhain witch-goddess. Equated to Roman Goddess Diana.

NIMUE : Welsh/Cornish. Moon Goddess. AKA Morgan.

OANUAVA : Breton, Continental. Earth Goddess from Celtic Gaul.


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