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Herbs Magical Uses

Acicia - Protection, Psychic Powers

Adam & Eve Roots - Love, Happiness

African Violet - Spirituality, Protection

Agaric - Fertility

Agrimony - Protection, Sleep

Ague Root - Protection

Alfalfa - Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money

Allspice - Money, Luck, Healing

Almond - Money, Prosperity, Knowledge

Aloe - Protection, Luck

Althea - Psychic Powers, Protection

Angelica - Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions

Apple - Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality

Apricot - Love

Ash - Protection, Prosperity, Health, Sea rituals

Aspen - Eloquence, Anti-Theft

Aster - Love

Avacado - Love, Lust, Beauty

Bachelor's Buttons - Love

Balm, Lemon - Love, Success, Healing

Balm of Gilead - Love, Manifestation, Protection, Healing

Bamboo - Protection, Luck, Hex-breaking, Wishes

Banana - Fertility, Potentcy, Prosperity

Banyan - Luck

Barley - Love, Healing, Protection

Basil - Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection

Bay - Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength

Bean - Protection, Exorcism, Reconciliations, Potentcy, Love

Beech - Wishes

Beet - Love

Belladonna - Astral Projection ***Deadly Poison!***

Benzoin - Purification, Prosperity

Be-Still - Luck

Betony/wood - Protection, Purification, Love

Birch - Protection, Exorcism, Purification

Bistort - Psychic Powers, Fertility

Bittersweet - Protection, Healing

Blackberry - Healing, Money, Protection

Bladderwrack - Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers

Bleeding Heart - Love

Bloodroot - Love, Protection, Purification

Bluebell - Luck, Truth

Blueberry - Protection

Blue Flag - Money

Bodhi - Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation

Boneset - Protection, Exorcism

Bracken - Healing, Rune Magic, Prophetic Dreams

Brazil Nut - Love

Broom - Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination

Buckthorn - Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters

Buckwheat - Money, Protection

Burdock - Protection, Healing

Cabbage - Luck

Cactus - Protection, Chastity

Camellia - Wealth/Riches

Camphor - Chastity, Divination, Health

Caper - Potency, Luck, Lust

Carawy - Protection, Lust, Anti-Theft, Health, Mental Powers

Carnation - Protectin, Healing, Strength

Carob - Health, Protection

Carrot - Lust, Fertility

Cashew - Money

Castor - Protection

Catnip - Cat Magic, Love, Happiness, Beauty

Cattail - Lust

Cedar - Healing, Money, Protection, Purification

Chamomile - Money, Love, Purification, Sleep

Cherry - Love, Divination

Chestnut - Love

Chickweed - Fertility, Love

Chicory - Removing obstacles, Favors, Frigidity, Invisibility

Chili Pepper - Fidelity, Hex breaking, Love

China Berry - Luck

Chrysanthemum - Protection

Cinnamon - Healing, Lust, Power, Psychic Powers, Spirituality, Success

Citron - Psychic Powers, Healing

Cloth Of Gold - Understanding Animal Languages

Clove - Exorcism, Love, Money, Protection

Clover - Fidelity, Exorsism, Love, Money, Protection, Success

Coconut - Chastity, Purification, Protection

Cohosh, Balck - Courage, Love, Potentcy, Protection

Coltsfoot - Love, Visions

Columbine - Courage, Love

Comfrey - Safe Travel, Money

Copal - Love, Purification

Coriander - Helaing, Health, Love

Corn - Divination, Luck, Protection

Cotton - Fishing Magic, Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain

Crocus - Love, Visions

Cuckoo-Flower - Fertility, Love

Cucumber - Chastity, Fertility, Healing

Cumin - Fidelity, Exorcism, Protection

Curry - Protection

Cypress - Comfort, Healing, Longevity, Lust

Daffodil - Love, Luck, Fertility

Daisy - Lust, Luck

Damiana - Love, Lust, Visions

Dandelion - Calling Spirits, Divination, Wishes

Devils Bit - Exorcism, Love, Lust, Protection

Devils Shoestring - Employment, Gambling, Luck, Power, Protection

Dill - Luck, Lust, Money, Protection

Dittany of Crete - Manifestations, Astral Projections

Dock - Fertility, Healing, Money

Dodder - Divination, Knot Magic, Love

Dogwood - Protection, Wishes

Dragons Blood - Exorcism, Love, Potency, Protection

Ebony - Power, Protection

Echinacea - Strengthening Spells

Edelweiss - Bullet-proofing, Invisibility

Elder - Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Protection, Sleep

Elecampane - Love, Psychic Powers, Protection

Elm - Love

Endive - Love, Lust

Eucalyptus - Healing, Protection

Eyebright - Mental Powers, Psychic Powers

Fennel - Helaing, Protection, Purification

Fern - Eternal Youth, Health, Luck, Protection, Rain Making, Riches

Fig - Divination, Fertility, Love

Figwort - Health, Protection

Flax - Beauty, Healing, Money, Protection, Psychic Powers

Fleabane - Chastity, Exorcism, Protection

Foxglove - Protection

Frankinsence - Exorcism, Protection, Spirituality

Fuzzy Weed - Hunting, Love

Gardenia - Love, Healing, Peace, Spirituality

Garlic - Anti-theft, Healing, Lust, Exorcism, Protection

Geranium - Fertility, Health, Love, Protection

Ginger - Power in spells, Money, Success With Magic

Ginseng - Love, Health, Money, Potentcy, Beauty

Gotu Kola - Meditation (used in insence to be burned prior to, not during, meditation)

Hawthorne - Fertility, Chastity, Celebacy, Happiness

Horseradish - Exorcism, Diffusion of Spells That May Have Been Said Against You

Hyssop - Cleansing, Purging The Home Of Evil & Negativity

Irish Moss - Luck, Money, Protection

Juniper - Protection, Exorcism, Love, Potentcy, Psych Powers, Breaks Hexes and Curses

Licorice - Passion, Love, Lust, Fidelity

Marigold - Strength, Comfort, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Luck, Respect, Admiration

Majoram - Love, Protection

Mistletoe - Protection, Luck, Fertility, Sleep, Dreams, Love, Banishing Evil

Mustard - Protection, Mental Powers, Fertility

Myrrh - Purification, Increases Powers of Other Incense when burned together, Healing, Meditation

Nettle - Protection, Allaying Fears, Keeps Negativity Away, Healing, Lust

Parsley - Lust, Fertility, Protection, Purification

Passion Flower - Calming Troubles, Peace, Friends, Popularity, Sleep

Peach - Love, Protection, Health, Fertility, (wands are made from its tree branches)

Pennyroyal - Health, Strength, Peace

Peppermint - Healing, Purification, Sleep, love, Prophetic Dreams

Periwinkle - Grace, Money, Protection, Love, Lust, Lost Memories

Red Raspberry - Protection, Love, Alleviates Pain in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Rhubarb - Protection, Fidelity

Rosemary - Purification, Sleep, Protection, Memory, Youth, Knowledge, Love

Rue - Healing, Protection, Love, Exorcism

Saffron - Visions, Joy, Protection, Strength

Sage - Wisdom, Healing, Money, Protection

St. Johns Wort - Protection, Love, Detecting Other Magicians, Confession

Sasparilla - Money, Love

Sassafras - Money, Healing

Scullcap - Peace, Protection

Valerian - Protection, Sleep

Violet - Protection, Luck, Lust, Granting Wishes

Willow - Love, Magical Wands, Healing

Wintergreen - Protection, Healing, Aids Magic

Witch Hazel - Divining Rods, Protection, Cools Passions

Wormwood - Protection, Exorcism, Gambling Talisman, Healing, Visions

Yarrow - Protection, Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Attracts Distant Friends and Relations

Yucca - Protection, Purification, (Said to transmute a person to animal form-according to American Indian Magic.)

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