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What Do I Teach My Children?

Even before I had begun my journey into the craft, I never wanted to force my children to believe in any particular religion. And I still don't. And from my point of view, making them sit and "learn" about a particular belief is asking way to much of such a sensitive and impressionable soul. I have two children and I, in no way, would ever make them "believe" in something, anything that makes them grow up any quicker than they already do. The way I see it, religion or beliefs require much more time and maturity than a child can put forth. In this day and age children grow up all too quickly and I wanna keep my little ones, as children, as long as I can. They deserve to be free spirits and love, laugh and play without requirement of church/meetings/study groups. I know I always dreaded, as a child, Sundays. That was church day in our family and I hated it. I always tried to find some way to get out of going to church, every single sunday. Now I ask you, do you think that we should put that kind of burden on our children? When a child truly dreads going to church week after week, that should tell right there that maybe this isn't working. My oldest child knows about god and knows of some bible stories, but I do not require him to read his little book of bible stores. If he wants to hear about that, that is fine, but if he wants to hear "One Fish, Two fish..." for the billionth time, thats ok too. Now, don't get me wrong, anyone out there who does take there kids to church and sunday school, that is great, if it works for you and your family that is great! I am just speaking from my own experience and a few experiences of my close friends as well. I personally think that a belief is a personal thing that should be come into at ones own pace. This is not to say though that my kids don't know, some of, what I do. I have all my witchy stuff right out there in the open for all to see and my kids do see it. I don't teach them about it cause it is confusing, even to the most mature adults, but they see what I have and my oldest (5yrs old) likes all the little trinkets I have. In fact he likes going to the stores where I like to buy all my things...and he recently bought some of his own "cool stuff" as he puts it. He loves rocks and stones and crystals just as I do and just loves to find rocks and arrange them in a special manner, only known to him, in a flower pot. All he knows is that the stones are pretty and it is fun to play with em. And to me, thats enough. At this age thats all he needs to know.



RAINs Purple Pages
Another Mommy Rambling