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~*Rain's Rants and Ramblings*~

OK, here it goes, another Rambling by Rain...

I have some issues erking me right now! In this day and age where almost every day we hear of yet another "amber alert" where another child has disappeared, why do people still continue to let their kids run wild without supervision? On more than one occasion I have seen children running around, far away from their parents in stores, in the park and in their own neighborhoods. I am frightened for these kids. I watch my two like a hawk and never are they left alone outside, in the front or back yard. I can't seem to comprehend it. These are children we are talking about here and many times I have seen them, wandering around alone or with a sibling either around the same age or younger. Where are the parents? Why aren't these kids with their parents? I have once even seen a little girl, lost in a store and another mom there saw her and brought her to the manager and said she's lost her mommy. So they called her mom on the loud speaker in the store and her mother came walking up to the front, with a surprised look on her face, like she could not understand WHY SHE was being called up to the front of the store and said something to her little girl like, "Well, I was just over there" She actually sounded offended. Now, does this woman begin to even fathom the fact that in those 5 or 10 minutes, her child, if found by someone not-so-nice, could have been picked up, rushed out the door and in a car already down the road before she even realized her little girl was even gone? No, she obviously doesn't even thing about such trivial things. It's only her child right? NO! It's her CHILD! And that should mean something to ALL parents. You watch, protect and hold dear, these little beings that you brought into this world and there is no excuse not to! Like I said before, I watch my kids like a hawk. Never are they out of my sight in ANY store, they don't go outside alone and never do I forget and leave them in the car! That's the other thing that gets to me...people forgetting a child is in the car. All to many times this summer have I heard of another child dying from heat stroke, from being left in a hot vehicle. Now, how on earth do you just forget that there is another human in the car, much less a baby or child? Some of the stories I have heard relating to this involve day-care workers who are absent minded and don't do a head count when getting all the kids out. This in inexcuseable!!! People trust these people to CARE for their kids, hence the name day-CARE! And those parents who leave their OWN child in a car...HOW? How do you forget your own child is in the car with you? You put the child in the car, strapped them into their car seat and then when you get out, you FORGET? I can't understand it! I am a mom and this, more than anything else eludes me! I couldn't imagine forgetting my kids! I am their mom and they are my responsibility and I take that very seriously!


What I Teach My Children
RAINs Purple Pages