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Meditation and Astral Projection


This is to be done when going to bed.
You need something to focus on.
The moon, the stars, a crystal, a picture on the wall...
Use whatever you like.

Just not a Candle or anything that burns!

This method involves the body falling asleep,
and you should never leave anything that burns unattended.

Place an object within your view and lie down in your bed.
Just gaze at the object as you doze off.
The first few times may fill you with frustration,
as you may just fall asleep and that's it.
But it will get easier.

Keep staring at the object.
As your eyelids become heavy, keep staring.
Eventually your eyes will close,
but you will still be able to see the object.
You will still be staring at the object.
Sit up or stand up, and don't be surprised
to see your physical self sleeping soundly in your bed!

When you are out of your body,
do whatever you wish.
This time is yours.

Just make sure to tell those
around you that you are doing this
and don't wish to be disturbed.

Anyone who wishes to contribute here, please, by all means, E-mail me.

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