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The Pendulum

You can't get much simpler than this.
A chain or cord and a weight (a bob) on the end of it,
so that it will hang straight, is all you need to have a pendulum.
You can purchase one (which I have done) or you can make your own.
The rest is patience, practice and intuition.

Now let's begin...
First, you might want to sit at a table with you elbow on the table.
This gives you a bit more stability.
Hold your pendulum, with the end of the cord
or chain between your thumb and forefinger.
Now make the chain hang over the middle and ring fingers
so that it hangs down between the ring and pinky fingers.
Hold the other hand directly under,
but not so close that it touches the pendulum.
How it swings determines your answer.
Now, you need to determine your pendulums movements.
In other words, which way is yes, no, or unclear.
This could be movements such as up and down,
side to side, circular clockwise or circular counter-clockwise.
To best learn what-is-what would be to ask questions
you already know the answer to or questions
of which you could quickly find out the answer.
It won't necessarily give you an exact answer every time,
especially if you are just learning.
It takes a lot of practice to get attuned to it.
Once familiar with it, use it often
to develop your intuition when reading it.
It can also be helpful in testing and improving psychic abilities.

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