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The Celts marked the Months of the year by the 13 moons. Each moon took it's name from a Sacred Tree. The moons were measured "Full" to "Full" which marked the time when it's power was also at it's Fullest.
In order are the 13 trees the moons are named for...
Birch, Rowan, Ash, Alder, Willow, Hawthorne, Oak, Holly, Hazel, Vine, Ive, Reed, & Elder.

These particular trees are the most commonly used in creating Magickal Wands. Each one having it's own particular attributes.

The Moon Phases are a Symbol of the Goddess. Each phase taking on a different personality of the Goddess.

~*The WAXING Moon*~

This is the time in which the Moon is growing from the Dark into the Full Moon.
Uses For This Moon: Growth, Healing, Increasing One's Power, Psychic Development, Energy, Friends, Love and Planting.


Her energy is at it's peak at this time. At this time, create your wands, charge your stones, crystals, and other magickal items. Magickal workings done at this time will also get a boost, especially if complicated.

~*The WANING Moon*~

This is the moon as it fades. If you want to be rid of something, this is the time to do it. Such as bad habits and ridding yourself of all ills.

~*The DARK Moon*~

A time to rest and rejuvinate. Also this time is good for researching past lives, discovering truths and working on your psychic abilities.

~*~*~*Names of FULL Moons*~*~*~
January - Old Moon, Moon After Yule
February - Snow Moon, Wolf Moon
March - Lenten Moon, Crow Moon
April - Egg Moon, Grass Moon
May - Milk Moon, Planting Moon
June - Flower Moon, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon
July - Hay Moon, thunder Moon
August - Grain Moon
September - Fruit Moon, Harvest Moon
October - Harvest or Hunter's Moon
November - Hunter's Moon, Frost Moon
December - Moon Before Yule, Long Night Moon


The Book Of Shadows