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Here is a list of protection spells...they are very simple, but work very well!!!

1.***Sit before any fire. Look into the flames. Visualize the fire bathing you with a glowing, protective light. The fire creates a glowing sphere around you. Say the following(or similar) words...

***Craft the spell in this fire;
***Craft it well; weave it higher.
***Mold it now, of shining flame;
***None shall come to hurt or maim.
***None shall pass my fiery wall;
***None shall pass, No, None at all.

Repeat every day, as needed. Simple, yet very effective! ***RAIN

2.***Visualize a triple circle or purpleish light surrounding your body as you chant...

***I am protected by your might,
***Oh gracious Goddess, day and night.
***Thrice around the circles bound,
***Evil sink into the ground.

This spell may be short, sweet and to the point, but it works great!


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