Image shown by permission of the artist William J.D. Doran
tugging at your heart
circling it, hugging
placing a song there
you just have to hum,
or sing,
the feeling it so great
can you feel its loving assurance
you think ..surely this isnt me
I dont even like myself
yet the love is overwhelms you
bringing tears to your face
you reach up...touch your cheek
possibly thinking i haven't cried in a long time
suddenly you feel your spine tingle
your arms stands up
yet you get a since that
your comforted in some way
you close your eyes.....
remembering as a child
how you felt about those you love
how you looked up to their guidance,
their love
maybe remembering the pain
how it felt to be ignored
or not understood.
as an adult
you built your barriers,
encasing yourself with your
own insecurities,
thinking if i don't let my guard down
no one can hurt me
that everyone wants
something from me,
when is it my turn?
yet now your feeling this loving presense,
the mind tells you its nothing,
ignore it...remember the
yet its overwelming,
the tears are there, your heart
is pounding from newness
of emotions long forgotten
you ask this God?
softly a thought comes to your mind,
very low
you hear 'yes'
mind takes over again,
'no' your imagining, God doesn't
touch people like us.
yet there it is..God's Spirit,
embracing you
ignore it if you wish..
but its there...
Spirit's gentle tugging,
loving, hoping you will
awaken to its presence.
Spirit's gentle
guidance that often you think
are your own thoughts.
Spirit was always there,
waiting for you to grow,
to learn lessons, watching
as you slowly became aware of the possiblities.
Seek the answers of your
ignore the logic of your mind.
Spirit's guidance is there patiently waiting
as always for you to hear.
With a little faith and alot of trust
take that step into your heart,
believe that its there
and it is.
Trust it, claim it as your own,
feel the warmness of its light,
as it showers down upon you.
This is for you, and it belongs to you.
Spirit's guidance will always be patient
as you grow.
this was given to me by spirit.
He asked me to remember
how it was when i first felt spirit's guidance
I tried to express this the best I could.
with love of Spirit in my heart,
i wish you many blessings,
I wish to thank William J.D.Doran
for the use of his art work.
His spiritual talent spoke volumes to my heart!