My Homies

I just wanta say what's up to all my friends... All the ones that have been around forever, the ones I just met, or ones that never talk to anymore...

Some of them have a web site... so if you think they do or you wanta find out if they do, clic on the pic...

Crazy Gangsta Crips' Page
This is Demon Dog aka John; one of the coolest folks I know!! Stay up Cuz!! Luv ya Brotha

Precious's Web Page
This is Momo aka Monique aka pReCiOuS.... or a RABBIT FROM HELL!!!!!! I luv ya momo.... I'm always here if u ever need to talk or anything.... U know how to reach me!!

This is Heather or Heatherly!! FINE lil bunny!! She's sweet as hell also....

Baby Star's Page
This is Baby Star aka Sheila and her friend... (She's da blond one) She's like one of the first folks I met online.... I've known her for like 3 or 4 years... or something like that... But N*E*WAYZ!! I luv ya babe!! Hope we cool to da End.... I'm alwayz her for ya.... Ya heard me

Jess's web page
This is Jess.... I've known her like forever too... I don't really know how long I've known her... But I just started talkin to her again... But N*E*WAYZ.... Thanx for being there when I need someone to talk to!! Ur'll always ce TIGHT in my book babe... FRIENDS TILL THE ENDS

This is my sister and her boyfriend Greg. Her name is Steffani aka Sassy Cat