Sup loccs and folks... this is that Insane C-Luvin' One... the Tru Blue Devil himself; Reapo Dog58... and if u didn't know I'm up w/ that C.G.C. (Crazy Gangsta Crips)!!
I wanta say sup to all my homies, there will be a part of this page for u!! But just let me get to it... Ight then...
Well here are some links for ya... U don't have to checc them out.. but I like them... other wise I wouldn't have them on my page... If u want ur page to ce up there with them email me at or hit me up at!! Or if u don't want it as a link, u just want more hits, join My Webring... I'm pretty sure u will get more hits... but N*E*WAYZ... bacc to what I wuz sayin' here are some links u might want to checc out...Links
Here is a prayer... (Gangsta Prayer to ce exact). NEWAYZ... One of my best friends wrote this... I don't know what for... cuz she ain't up w/ any set or anything.... mayce cuz my homies and I rubbed off on her or something... but newayz Chec it outDa Gangstaz' Prayer
Here is a part of my page for all my friends on the net or in 3D world... chec it out if u want... if u are one of my friends and I didn't have u up on there... email me!! Ur one of my friends... u NEED to be on here... Part to my Friends
If you wanta know a little about me you can come to this part of my site... Who am I?? And if you are just trying to find out stuff about me so you can come and get me... a quote for you.... "IF YOU WANT ME COME AND GET ME, HOW THE FUKC YOU GONNA TAKE ME? I GOT MY TRU NIGGAZ W/ ME AND WE RIDAZ!!"SiGn mY GuESs BoOk
VieW mY gUEssBoOk
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