Stuff about me

Names or Handles: Reapo Dog58 aka Da Insane C-Luvin One aka Tru Blue Devil aka Deimos
Set: Crazy Gangsta Crips (C.G.C.)
Rank: O.G.
School: Stony Point High (Hater High)
Location: Austin, TX, 78758 or Da North Side of Hell
ICQ #: 3219616
AOL Name: Reapodog58
My Web Image:
Other page:
Emails: or

Just a lil somethin' about me... sorry, some of this stuff (above) might not be TRU... =0Þ

If you think I'm some fucin prep, come talk to me and find out who and what I'm ALL about... Appearnesses can be deciving!! Holla at me if you got this site from ICQ or AOL IM!! IGHT THEN.... LATER LOCSTAZ

This is me and Monique... a long time ago...

This is my ugly ass skool pic from last year

Here is a newer pic of my lil brother and me.