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All About Me

My name is Nikki(Nicole) Alyse G.
I am a normal teen, well, maybe not NORMAL
I live in Dallas (Lewisville), Tx
I would give out my fax # but,damn, I can't remember it


I guess I will tell u a little about myself. I am about 5'5", 118lbs., I have shoulder length auburn hair, and kitty-cat(little bit of brown) green eyes. I like 2 listen 2 a lot of music.I go 2 at least 2 movies per week. I love horror movies, and some action/comedy. I am on my school's basketball team, I was on the volleyball team, but the season is over.My favorite # is 13. It's my lucky #
I like candles, white(=purity, and truth), light blue(=tranquility, health, patience), red(=love, health, sex, strength), green(=money, luck, fertility), pink(=love, morality, honour), purple(=power, business progress, ambition). I am part scottish, people say that my and my aunt Shawna(R.I.P.) show it the most.


I like going 2 school dances, and going 2 Venice Beach (teen dance club in Arlington). I play pool in my gameroom. I have been in a few beauty pages, and I have done a little modeling. I like singing, and I was on a dance team in Oregon. I am in theater at school working on acting. I am in my school's Thespian(Drama) Club. I like 2 watch Buffy, Popular, Charmed, Undressed (on MTV), late night and dawn patrol on MTV (all videos), and a bunch of other stuff.

Oh, yeah, my favorite color is blue. My favorite animals are wolves and dogs. My favorite food is pepperoni pizza, spaghetti, and, uh, strawberries and grapes. My favorite kinds of ice cream are French Silk, French Vanilla, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Mint Chocolate Chip.(u gotta eat alot of ice cream in Texas during the summer)

ICQ # is 74868334. I have AOL Instant Messenger. My screen name is CuteCoin182, LilMeQT101, and RustyGurl1919. I go 2 Infinity Chat as Nickel*182.

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