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8th October 1999

Journaslist:Itso,how do you feel as a coach of all our national teams?
Hristo:I thank the people of the Bulgarian Football Union,to Dimitar Dimitrov,to Stojcho Mladenov that they accepted me.Our goal is to renovate the national team.This is a difficult task before the world cup qualifications,which are in only a few months.I accepted the invitation of dimitrov and BFU with great pleasure.They will help me.I don't want to say big words that the national team will double the successes of the golden generation.At the moment we have gathered the best Bulgarian football players.We had to give some of the A team players to the youngsters.The boys know what they are called for,I am sure that they will do their best to achieve their goals.We are all friendly to each other,we don't separate to people from CSKA,Levski,Loko(Sf),Slavia and teams from the country.We are going to chase our goals together.The trainingd are very well organized right now.
Journalist:You can hardly call Luxemburg an irritator for you.
Hristo:Luxemburg is not an easy rival despite they haven't won a single point in the qualifications.An equal number of players go out in the field and the winner will be the more motivated or commited team.
Journaslist:Do you have a contarct with Kasjiwa Reysol and are you going to learn in a foreign coaching school?
Hristo:I have engagements with Kashiwa,but they know that I had an incident and am now recovering.About 24 hours ago I talked to the bosses of Kashiwa and understood,that the team has made its way to the Nabisco cup final.It won't be a surprise if soon I add another trophy in my active sports career.Otherwise I am going to study I talked to the president of Verona and there won't be a problem for me to study in Koverchano.Egidius Braun recently offered me to start in the school in Koeln.I will decide on my own in which coach school to go.My future is clear I am going to be a coach.I meet johan Cruyff very often and he gives me some pieces of advice and it is going to be easy for me in my coaching career.Otherwise it is not easy to work with the national teams,which consist of young boys.There must be a hard work in the children-youngsters' schools.If they start hard from now,it will be easier for them in the future.Everyone is proud when the national team wins.The most important thing is that they are not separating each other.The national team belongs to everyone and we must help Dimitar Dimitrov in favour of the good future of Bulgarian football.The boys know that when they play for Bulgaria they will be watched by class managers and will be more easily sold in Western Europe.
Journaslist:The official information is that you are going to work for free in the national team.Is this the truth?
Hristo:I don't even tell my wife what conracts I have made.She doesn't know what sum have I signed with Barca.Noone knows what were the money I went in Parma for...These things are personal and must not be announced.There are people at the top and others are very poor and when they buy a newspaper and read that someone has taken a big sum at once they feel bad.The sums all over the world aren't announced anywhere or if they say something it is wrong.I could have gone in Paris Saint Germen,in Turkey for a lot of money.I have a personal contract with the Bulgarian Football Union and noone knows it.I chose to work for the national team for zero leva.If Dimitar Dimitrov had gone in any club he would have taken three or four times more.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

7th October 1999

Zdravkov:Itso is an exceptionally precious figure for our football and it is a plus for our team that Hristo remained as a coach of both the men's and the youngsters teams.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

2nd October 1999

Journalist:Will Hristo be with you on the training camp of the national team for the match versus Luxemburg?
Dimitar Dimitrov:Of course,the team feels quite differently,when Hristo is with all of us.I am sure,that Hristo will agree to become a manager of all Bulgarian national football teams.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

22nd September 1999

Lubo Penev:I strongly doubt that Itzo will enter any game versus CSKA.Itzo doesn't deserve what they are doing with his name.They simply speculate.Itzo is very happy that the things with CSKA are going on very well. It hurts me for Itzo.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

9th September 1999

Parma magazine journalist Elio Gandolfi:We came especially for him.I was in Italy and couldn't but come to see him.

(Parma AC 1999)

9th September 1999

Hristo:In playing terms it was not an unforgettable season for me in Prama.I have so many friends from back then and I won't forget any of them.The Parma side from back then has changed considerably.Benarrivo,Apolloni,Dino Baggio…all left at the same time I did.I don't know these other guys.I am currently involved with the Bulgarian Under-16s in a tournament in Georgia,but I will be back to watch Parma play Inter at San Siro.

(Parma AC 1999)

20th August 1999

Hristo:Of course I got scared the first time.It is not little at all for an electriciity of 220 Volts to pass through your body.After this happened I saw that there was nothing wrong with me.I washed myself with cold water,the fear that had obsessed me went away amd I normally came home at about 6:30-7 o'clock and there were no symptoms of ... neither did my heart hurt,nor did I have any temperature,absolutely nothing everything was quite normal.
You know I had guests from Spain-an ex colleague Alesanko,but it was due to what happened that the boy had to go because he couldn't stay by me in the hospital.
At about 10-10:30 the same evening I felt cold in my body.I started getting sweat and I said to myself that someting is wrong with me.I called Hristo Zapryanov immediately.I told him that I don't feel well.I confessd that there has been an incident at home and together with general Vladimirov we took measures in the quickest possible way.He took me to the hospital at about 12-12:30.I was accepted and from that moment on all the examinations necessary for a patient started. I didn't use any rpivileges,because I myself didn't want this.I wanted that everything is done in the normal way,so that there is not going to be writing and talking around the hospital that I am accomodated in a place,where bigger people go.At this stage I am pleased with these six days,that I was accomodated there.I want to thank the whole doctors' team of Dr.Ivanov not only for what they did for me,but also what they did for the people,who were coming in and out in this room 24 hours a day.
At this stage it is difficult to determine,who my real friends are,because the number of people visitting me was very limitted,as I wished it to be.Only my family and a few other people visitted me.The associate professor didn't let other visits take place,because there were 7 other people in this room and 7 in the next room and it was unpleasant to see so much movement there.
I am interested in associate professor Ivanov's opinion for all these examinations.
I haven't finished with football,so don't refuse me.I have already said that there are some good-wishers in Bulgaria,who want to refuse me from football but they won't succeed in doing this.
The conductors may be placed there on purpose,but the people,who have them there will have to give me some answer.After all I have the full right to ask this so that they can tell me why did they leave them this way.
We were together with Mihtarski.You know my house is not fully finished.I tried to catch the door handle and in the next moment I was with the naked wires,who lead to this incident.Should these wires be there or not I can't say,because I don't understand anything form building and I don't know ho did they appear there.
Perhaps the physical strength that I have has helped me escape from what could have happened.It could have been worse if there was drainage in the house.Everything is over now.I am healthy.We will leave the past now and look for workers to repair it.
I had the big will to travel with the team,because I had come to terms with the leadership.You know I have set things up with Dimitar Dimitrov,that always when I am free I will help this young specialist,who showed that he is not afraid of any team,whereever he plays and whoever he meets,no matter of the players he has.
I don't doubt that the players of Levski will make this step forward.I think that they are proved players.They must blame noone.Everyone loses his nerves.You know I have insulted Slavkov,he has insulted me,but you know that in a process of work,when it comes to a common target everyone forgets these things and I am sure that the plyers themselves will do all they can to be on the training camp in Bankja on the evening of the 30th for the qualification with Sweden.
There appeared things that I have stopped my contract with Kashiwa Reysol.There is nothing of the kind.My contract with them goes on.In Japan they play four champiionships and I have come to terms with the team not to be present to the first one.So it is naturally,that the way the people accepted me there I must go back in Japan.

15th august 1999

Dimitar Dimitrov:I am going to see Hristo at the moment I arrive in Sofia for the camp of the national team.I hope that he will anyways travel with us for Ukrain,because he means much for the boys.

14th august 1999

Journalist:What is the state of your so good friend and namesake Hristo Stoichkov?
Zaprjanov:To clear all the speculations,because many different things appeared in the media,like the one that he was hit by electricity in a dicotheque etc,which is nothing like the truth and the fans of Stoichkov,who aren't little in number in Bulgaria want to know what exactly is the truth.What happened to him-two days ago as he was going to in his own country house to show its current state to his frineds as he was showing the fitness centres Hristo didn't understand that he was approaching a hanging conductor the workers have left.Luckily the electricity hit him in the watch,he has a scar,which is not dangerous and the other good thing is that he was wearing sports shoes and the electricity couldn't pass through him.In the evening after that he received some crysis.He is taken to Combat Hospital,where the doctors started examinations and now he is in a good state.All measures are taken.There were talks that he was in a general's room and this is not true.He is in a normal room like all other people.The cares for him are like for all Bulgarians.In the medicine there are no Rich and Poor,famous-unfamous...
At the moment the recovery process is almost at its end.The examinations are going normal as far as I am competent...
Journalist:OK,when a person is ill his relatives and all who love him want to know when is he leaving the hospital healthy.Are there any talks or it is still early to ask this question?
Zaprjanov:As far as I know this question will be decided on Monday,Saturday and Sunday are days for a rest and the doctors' teams don't make such moves...At earliest on Monday it will be set clear how is his treatment going on further.
Journalist:What does he say?How does he feel,is he calm?
Zaprjanov:He is calm for now,feeling well.He has passed that fear neurosis,which he had received...He was thinking of travelling on Monday or Tuesday eventually.
Journalist:To Ukrain?
Zaprjanov:To Ukrain yes but for now the doctor's team will say more.
Journalist:I thank you for this interview.I hope we calmed the millions of fans of Stoichkov.His state is getting better.

('Darik' Radio)

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