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11th November 1999

Hristo:My contract is recognized all over the world.It will be validated by a notarius.If the leadership of the Bulgarian Football Union changes on the congress,the contracts remain and the person,who wants to fire us will have to pay.
The Japanese championship is over.Kashiwa Reysol became the champions and I have a new title in my career.There is an opportunity for me finishing my contract with Kashiwa,when I go back to Japan,but I don't want to overthrow everything in such an easy way.I will act correctly with the Japanese.
There is going to be hard work in this preparation of the national teams,and there won't be a vacation trip.In Spain they are making an interruption for a control game versus Brasil and anothet team.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

11th November 1999

Dimitar Dimitrov:I am pleased,that I will be working with Stoichkov.He has proven,that he is a big professionalist and a very good person.I hope,that our joint work with him and Stojcho Mladenov will lead us to the so long expected results.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

29th October 1999

Hristo:It is a pity,that I won't be able to watch the match,despite that I wish you a convincing win.Just remember me and Lubo Penev and how we used to punish the team of Levski.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

29th October 1999

Journalist:Hristo,are you training for the world club championship.We learned,that you and your friend and partner Romario are invited to play for Al Nasr?
Hristo:There is such an open door for us,but neither me nor Romaria have confirmed our participance,the rest are gossips.You know that I have alreday become a champion of Asia with Al Nasr and i am keeping in touch with its bosses.But I don't have an official invitation,I will have to decide,if I receive it.
Journalist:You continue your preparation,where are you training?
Hristo:I usually play in the evenngs on the base of a private football club everyday,where I think to open my own training school next year.I help children,and this clean of spiritual dirtiness atmosphere, as well as the feeling that I am helping the young,who are absorbing evrey movement of mine revive me.That was the way I escaped from the stress after the death of a big friend of mine like Koko Ekserov,at least I have many memories from him.But that is life,I felt the danger of its curves on my own.
Journalist:On Sturaday is the big game between CSKA and Levski,what is your prediction?
Hristo:You know,who am I supporting,I don'twant to talk much.CSKA has the advantage of the host,of the biger audience but Penata(Dimitar Penev) knows very well,that this is not always decisive in the field.You know,that in World Cup 1994 weplayed versus 70 000 fans of Mexico,but we won and stopped the Mexicans.everything can happen in a battle between the best Bulgarian football teams,let's hope that the football will win.I will know the result at any moment through a telephone connection with my friends in the stadium.
Journalist:When shall weexpect you in Sofia?
Hristo:I will probably come back on the 15th of November,because of the football game between in Greece between the two national teams.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

17th October 1999

Hristo:I am constantly receiving invitations to play here or there,but I will have to decide from now on,shall I put on the shoes again or shall I concentrate myself on the improvement of my future as a coach.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

15th October 1999

Journalist:Itso,how do you find your new role,this time as a commentator?
Hristo:It is not more difficult than playing a big football,but I don't want to offend you the journalists.This is not my main amploa.I gave my mark for the latest round of the Spanish championship to the newspaper,I paid most attention to the derby and the act of Kluivert.For me this new edition of Barca-Real(2:2) wasn't something that can't be seen.I admit there were many goals,but in the previous years the quality of the match has been much higher.As for the act of Kluivert-it is his fault,but in battles like this the referee Dias Vega could become deaf or just show Kluivert a yellow card.I have been a victim of such situations a lot of times with referees,who don't realize what a great pressure it is in the field.Otherwise in the real life I wouldn't forgive a curse like this of Kluivert.
Journalist:Are you travelling to Japan for the match of Kashiwa in the Nabisco Cup final?
Hristo:There is a lot of time till December.I will decide on my own,whether I can help or there is no need to put on the shoes again.
Journalist:Do you know the position of Levski announced by its director Nasko Sirakov,that the team won't be participating in any financial tournaments of the 'A' team during December and February?
Hristo:I am not going to make big comments yet.Besides Dimitar Dimitrov must say his word first.i already had a meeting with Nasko and we came to terms very quickly as real professionals.There isn't a problem that we can't meet with Sirakov again.We will always come to terms with my ex-partner in the attack of the national team about what is best for the players.But I will say that the tournaments are made for the players,for them to get used to each other in our young team,the tournaments are not made for me or Dimitar Dimitrov.I have played enough.I have defended the honour of our nativa land 83 times and my trophies are enough,but we have to think of our heirs in the 'A' team,so that they don't fell on the bottom one day.
Journalist:The apple of quarrels this time is about goergi Batchev.You shouldn't have let him play with an uncured trauma for the match with Luxemburg.Why didn't you respect what Levski asked you to do?
Hristo:I don't know,I haven't heard of the wish of Sirakov.Batchev himself told us that he feels very well and is ready to play.I don't know why should we-the coaches and doctor Iliev be considered guilty,when every player can have an accident in the field just like it happened with Georgi.Batchev was alright after the first half,after that I saw what happened with my eyes and thought to myself that the forward will be out of the football for about a month.The same happened to me a time ago.I don't see wny guilt of the coaching leaders.But we have plenty of time to sit on the table with Nasko Sirakov and come to terms about everything,because my ex-teammate is not only a proved professional,but he also knows very well what is it like to defend the name of Bulgaria.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

11th October 1999

Journalist:Itso,we won the match versus Luxemburg in your debute as a national team coach.Who do you think was the player,who performed the best game tonight?
Hristo:I am happy with our win and all the boys.I can outline Ivajlo Jordanov and Stanimir Stoilov.It is sad that we couldn't qualify for the European championship,when we had this as a finished fact the mobilization for the match versus Luxemburg was very difficult.this was just a match with no meaning for us and we were obliged to win.
Journalist:Didn't you wish to go out in the field?
Hristo:This is meaningless,because there is no coming back,when I have already retired from the national team.My responsibility as a coach is even bigger now,and the emotions aren't less at all.
Journalist:Don't you start your coaching career from a very high place?Aren't you afraid of something?
Hristo:Nothing scares me.I don't think,that I start from a very high place.I am simply back to the national team,where i used to be till yesterday,but now I have a different post.
Journalist:Who are you going to learn from in your new profession?
Hristo:I am now facing a trip to Spain,where I am going to participate in a three-hour TV program dedicated to the everlasting derby Barcelona-Real Madrid with Hugo Sanches.I am going to be everywhere with Johan Cruyff in Spain,who is the best coach for me there.He is one of the specialists,whose pattern I am going to follow in my new profession.
Journalist:Did you separate your tasks with Dimitar Dimitrov?
Hristo:Yes,we have adjusted everything.We are both ambitious people and will work for the success of the team.
Journalist:What is the first thing,that you are going to change in the national team for the World Cup qualification games?
Hristo:The most important thing is for the politics not to come in football's way.The problem about the lisence of the Bulgarian Football Union,because after all it is the players who are losing from it.
Journalist:Is there such a possibility,that you play a few more matches with the Japanese Kashiwa?
Hristo:This is still undecided,because I have to start a conversation with the leadership of Kashiwa.It is possible,that I start playing in the J-League finals,but it depends on the conditions,which they are going to offer and what they are going to require from me.The japanese have always been correct with me and I am ready to reply with the same correctness.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

11th October 1999

Journalist:What piece of an advice would you give Hristo Stoichkov,who is making his first steps in the coaching profession?
Dimitrov:I can't advise Itso.Our conversations are useful for both of us and I hope,that this will remain the same in the future.I wish him success and I know,that his help will be priceless for me.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspapers)

9th October 1999

Hristo:I like the base in Vratza and I hope that there will soon be youngster European qualifications in this stadium.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

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