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25th January 2000

Journalist:Mister Mladenov,why didn't you discuss the calling of Ilian Iliev in the national team with Hristo Stoichkov?
Stojcho Mladenov:Hristo comes back on Tuesday and we are not going to discuss Ilian,but the whole selection,because there appeared some problems with the players playing in Turkish teams,with Donkov,and you know that they won't let Marian Hristov come,there are necessary corrections,that have to be made.We are going to announce the team for the journalists together,as it is normal,on Wednesday.
Journalist:How are you going to work with Stoichkov?
Stojcho Mladenov:I hope that we'll have an useful work together,based on mutual respect,because I can appreciate his qualities.He has an unrepeatable character.This is his strong quality,which I hope will help him in his new job.So,he will be the first person I am going to rely on,the second is Nikolay Iliev.I hope that we will share the same ideas about the national team,honest and exact between us.After all it was me the one,who wanted him for my assistant as the contract with the Bulgarian Football Union allows me.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

23rd January 2000

Journalist:Ilian,how will you comment on the words of Hristo Stoichkov?
Ilian Iliev:I can't comment on others' words.As a director of the national teams he has his own opinion.I can't comment anything.
Journalist:Can't you phone Stoichkov and come to terms with him like men?
Ilian Iliev:I can't phone anyone,and most of all,a director of the national teams.I have the feeling that here they make anything from nothing,from the fly an elephant.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

22nd January 2000

Hristo:I would renew my conversations with Nunes,but it will never be me the one that will make the first step.He talked a large amount of nonsense for me,but it could all be forgotten if he is the one,who seeks me and excuses himself.
The Hollander(Van Gaal) is nothing like a coach,he is just a selectioner.He has too big self-confidence,which remains such,no matter what happens.The people lost their trust in him,despite the fact that Barca is winning.In the end all will understand that he is only a pretender.His trainings are hell,while with Cruyff we were constantly having fun,while occupied.

('La Cosa Nostra' TV3)

21st January 2000

Journalist:Mr.Stoichkov one newspaper said that you have been tricked by Stoijcho Mladenov,who has called Ilian Iliev without your approval.Do you feel this way?
Hristo:I am calm.I have said that the door of the national team is open.The idea of this team is the integrity of new,younger players.This means that we should not go back.Otherwise it would have been better if Dimitar Penev takes the team and I put the jersey on again,Emil Kostadinov not to hang the shoes...
Journalist:I have the feeling that you run away form the name Ilian Iliev?
Hristo:I run away?I have a certain opinion as a director of all the teams,where necessary and have said it.You know that I always say what I think.The other day on the Tv I told the vice-president of Barca that out of 43 million Spanish people he is the biggest liar.I told him that they are seeking to sell Rivaldo.And I also told him that it is because of such people like him,that the matches of Barca are visited by 1000 fans.However I don't want to reach this,when we are starting to build something new in the national team.These players-Martin Petrov,Milen Petkov,Stilian Petrov,Svetoslav Todorov and so many more names,are we going to work with them or are we going to wait?I think that someone understands the things wrong or is in a hurry to dictate the sequence of events in the Bulgarian national football team.However it is early for me to put down my pants and enter some combinations with managers,presidents and others.I am going to wait for about 100 more years.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

18th January 2000

Jordanov:Stoichkov and Mladenov are more than just old friends.They are a real tandem and this can bring us success in the future.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

31st December 1999

Hristo:Only life and health,we don't need anything else-eh and one Ferrari with red color,because there isn't other.
(About the anquette of 'France Football')-I cannot say,that one is better than another.The Bulgarians are kings in such anquettes.Well is there a Bulgarian among the 'Golden Balls',oh there was!
(To the journalists through laughter)-If you are looking for a sensation write,that I become a head coach with assistant Ivan Vutzov.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

16th November 1999

Journalist:Mister Stoichkov,what is your opinion about the match?
Hristo:I think,that we are not much behind the Greeks.We missed many opportunities and they proved,that they aren't a team by chance.After all they beated Nigeria three days ago,which talks about a class.
Journalist:Do you continue being an optimist about the future of this team?
Hristo:Yes,the boys are fighting every match and are constantly growing.I fully trust them and know,that they are not going to disappoint me.Our work is not easy at all and we are not going to step out of the way we are going.It is normal for us to meet difficulties,but we will try to overcome them.
Journalist:What comes next in your personal plans?
Hristo:I travel to Spain directly form here.I am going to Japan in the beginning of December,where I am going to be present to the choosing of the teams for the World Cup finals.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

14th November 1999

Ivan Vutzov:Hristo Stoichkov has some ideas about the work of the national team.They are still in a process of discussion.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

14th November 1999

Lubo Penev:I always rely on Hristo Stoichkov.First because he is my friend and second because whenever I need him,he is always there to support me.I will always rely on Itso.They are trying to make us angry to each other,but this will never be.I am above the intrigues.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

13th November 1999

Hristo:I would never go versus Lubo.I have given the name to his child and I will never say a bad word for him.I don't want to talk about the comrade Fvgeni Goranov,because if he was that good he wouldn't have been thrown away of 'Multigroup' and his bank wouldn't have closed.

('Darik' Radio)

12th November 1999

Journalist:A good promotion of Kamenitza,does Bulgarian national football team feel better with this sponsor?
Hristo:I think that every team must have a sponsor,because these are means that help the sport itself.All the teams in the west have big sponsors,that is why their football federations and club teams do not have any problems.
Journalist:Can we ask a little bit more provokatively,whether 'Kamenitza' deserves Bulgarian national football team?
Hristo:I think ,that due to what 'Kamenitza' has made for us until now and the conditions we have in the national team it is absolutely normal.At this point 'Kamenitza' was the first sponsor,who appeared in the Bulgarian Football Union and I think that we always have to give an advantage and of course we must make a step in return to these people,who hve made their first step.
Journalist:I see you here very pleased and happy, don't you have any cares at the moment as a coach of the Bulgarian national football team?
Hristo:I do not have any cares for now and let us hope, that we won't have any for the future.You know,that we will be together for three days with the boys from Monday.We will see what is the situation,who are the players,what is their condition and from then on we will estimate the problems,that may appear during thses three days.All the boys that are here today are healthy,there is noone injured and what is makes us more happy is,that they can play well in their clubs.
Journalist:Earlier or later someone has to persuade the Bulgarian fans,that Bulgaria will qualify for the World Cup finals.Don't we need to wait for this?
Hristo:We haven't promised,let us wait for this,until the time comes,if we say,that we will qualify for these World Cup finals we must somehow lie the Bulgarian people.Every step itself must come with its time.We can say,that we have qualified,when the results are clear.But if say it now it will be simply...We haven't done it and the generations before us,so we can say that these football players won't do it too.We know,that the way t qualifying for the World Cup finals will be very difficult,but let us wait now and see how things will start and from then on,when we have two or three matches left,we can say yes we are going to qualify.
Journalist:What will you say to the people,who are listening to 'Darik' Radio,what can they expect from Bulgarian football?
Hristo:I want from them to expect all the professional clubs to start the Bulgarian with a stable bank account,not to have any problems for additional payments,salaries,travelings,hotels,it is only then that we can expect to reach high successes.When there are rpoblems present-they don't pay them a month,two or more,then we will of course have problems in the Bulgarian football.
Journalist:How do you estimate this year's participation of the Bulgarian teams in the European tournaments?
Hristo:I think,that levski did their best to play a good football versus Juventus,after all Juventus is a power in world football.Unfortunately they lost the first match,when they lost here 1:3 and this maybe brought them a little bit backward.After that I watched the match in Italia directly and I saw,that Levski doesn't have any disadvantages comapred to Juventus.Our other representatives-CSKA and Liex,of course it is difficult to play versus an English team, the worst thing in this year's participation of Bulgarian teams in the European tournaments is,that Litex couldn't keep their advancement of 4:1 versus a Polish team and was eliminated.
Journalist:Who do you think will become Bulgarian football player of the year?
Hristo:I can't tell you,I haven't thought yet on this problem,but of course there are players,who are about to be chosen like Alexander Alexandrov,Bebrabatov,Milen Petko,Marian Hristov,Ivajlo Jordanov.
Journalist:I see,that you are in very good terms with Alexander Alexandrov,the connection CSKA,Levski doesn't play here,does it?
Hristo:Do not involve CSKA and Levski,there is nothing in common between the one thing and the other.Alexander Alexandrov is from Plovdiv,so do I,we have been freinds long before this,we live in one district,so please do not involve CSKA and Levski here.

('Darik' Radio)

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