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His Character
By Theis Poulsen

Hated…like a rat. Loved and admired. His arrogant attitude, his cheeky behaviours, his affected superior being and wild temperament has given him both enemies and friends everywhere in the world of football. Stoitchkov is a walking contrast. Aggressive and mean, but also soft and real. A loyal friend if he likes you, but your worst enemy if he hates you. Easy to hate - difficult to love.
He is a great player and it's fascinating to observe him play. On a day where everything succeeds for him, he is one of the best players in the world, while on a bad day, he is a an example of aggression and rage. A mental hand grenade, ready to blow.
It's this temperament that makes him one of the greatest players in the world, but it's also this which makes him lose control of himself:
- In his first season for Barca, he knocked a referee down for showing him the red card. This resulted in a 6 months ban.- Or the day a fan wanted his autograph and started pulling Stoitchkov's car after a training session. Hristo jumped out of his car and sent the guy to the ground with a right hook.
- Not to mention a day in 1992 when playing for Bulgaria in Sofia against Mexico. After equalising the score, he showed indifference with the game and his teammates. The crowd started whistling at him and the result was, that Hristo placed himself in the middle of the field, looked slowly around the crowd, took his shirt off and flung it on the ground and walked out of the game!!!
When Stoitchkov is in that mood, he generally speaks Spanish to Bulgarian reporters and Bulgarian to the Spanish.
His arrogance towards the reporters was also shown when Barca played against Monaco in the Champions League. The French reporters wanted answers on their questions, but Hrist only said: "I kicked France out of the World Cup - and tomorrow I kick them out of the European Cup"!
- And believe it or not, he did it. Scoring the only goal of the game so Barca won 1-0. One thing is to be impudent enough to say it. Another thing is it to do what you just said!!!
People call Stoitchkov an egoist, but he answer to this is, that the admiration and respect from the fans is all he needs and worth more than money.
He is a genius, and entertainer and much more. And after ending his career, the football world has lost one of its greatest personalities ever.

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