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1. Remove sterile bandage after 4 hours & wash with warm water & antibacterial soap.

2. Apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment to the Tattoo 2-3 times daily for the first week.

3. Apply a hand lotion to the Tattoo the 2nd week 2-3 times daily.

4. Do not pick or scratch at new Tattoo & minimize exposure to the sun & avoid swimming in fresh, salt & chlorinated water for 2 weeks.

5. The Tattoo will flake & itch while it is healing. If & when necessary use a sterile bandage or other sterile dressing.

6. If any sign of infection or an allergic reaction happens while Tattoo is healing contact your local health care practitioner, then contact & report any diagnosed infection, allergic, or adverse reaction resulting from the application of the Tattoo to Texas Inkslingers Tattoos @(806-935-7433) or ot the Texas Department of Health,Drugs & Medical Devices Division,@(1-888-839-6676)