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**~** RAIN **~**

I wake this morning,
To the sounds of rain,
Pouring down on the roof,
It’s a welcome sound,
The droplets hitting with their own tune,
If you listen to the rain,
It plays nature's song….

The sun has not risen yet,
But the rain calls me out,
To sit and watch and feel,
There is a cleansing,
A wonderful sense of power….

Is the rain, Mother Earth’s tears?
Or the way she feeds and nurtures,
I have always loved the rain,
It hides my tears and even gives,
Feelings of hope and strength,

The loneliness seems to be washed away,
If only for the moment,
Rainey days to me, are times to be close,
A time to cuddle and dream….

I keep on dreaming of tomorrow,
Am I wasting my time,
Looking for good things to come,
Always taking chances,
On the future,
Looking for Fate in the wind,
But my heart is full of sorrow…..

No one feels the hurt,
No one understands the pain,
No one see the tears,
For all is hidden in the rain....

The roar of the rain,
As it comes pouring down,
Hitting the tin roof ever so hard….

The cleansing of the air,
As the rain comes down from the clouds,
The chill it brings to the air,
Misty and raw…..

Please, Oh please Mother Earth,
Rain so hard, to wash away,
All my pain and sorrow,
For I must go on,
Through so many more tomorrows….