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~On the Road~

I have many Friends,
Some are friends of the Road,
Be it, 18 wheelers, or Beautiful Harley’s,
The wheels spinning, the total Freedom,
The whine or rumble of the motor,
Shifting gears, echoes from the radio,
Voices off the CB, trying to be company,
The wind in your face, freedom of the wide open spaces,
The call of the Journey within…..

A strong need to wander, to be free,
Or is it a way to run from things,
Things not wanting to face or hear,
But at what price is this Freedom,
To have no real sense of Home,
Just a place to stop and rest your head….

To stay for a day, a few days, or even a week,
Then, the road calls again,
A need to feel the wind as you move,
To see the lights of towns at night,
To have nothing to see but black,
Out on the open highways….

There is where your mind is free,
Your heart has a longing,
But your mind is in control,
For now, on the road, you can forget,
Your heart and these feelings that haunt you,
But there always comes the quiet times,
Times when the feelings win out,
And the mind wanders back,
To happier times……

Where loneliness, sadness and anger,
Have no claim, Only Love and Joy enter there,
How long can the road keep you,
And what of when you grow old….

It is a long and lonely road My Friend,
Do not shut out life, for it is always there,
Do not shut out Love, for it may not come again,
Live and Drive Free…..
Do this because of the Calling,
And not to be running away….