It is proposed that this earth is a "learning-center" oriented "schoolhouse" planet of a 3rd-d class.. And, that physical bodies are simply vehicles/hosts/groundcrews that are required to be used during an incarnation or lifetime spent in this 3rd-d construct of physicality.. Without a physical body, a soul could not traverse this 3rd-d construct of physicality or material world/plane/realm.. As an analogy, we could use the automobile to symbolize our body, the driver of this automobile as the soul, and the road that the automobile is traveling on as the "path" of the driver's "life experiences".. It is proposed that all souls, regardless of their points of origin, from throughout this Universe have experienced several incarnations here as a means by which to fulfill their spiritual evolvement as grades or degrees of development/progression.. It is proposed that highly spiritually evolved or spritually advanced soulgroups currently representing themselves in this lifetime, of which for most is a final incarnation, just prior to their graduation, may participate in the "new heavens and new earth" or 4th-d class, as it is described in the Book of Revelations of the New Testament..
Three main aspects of the 3rd-d "life-experience" are to be mastered prior to graduation.. Mastery of space as size and dimension..realization that there are no boundaries to creation..i.e. from lifeforms that are microbes to immense living planetary bodies; time as succession of events-linear for the 3rd-d and non-linear with integration between a physical life and the spiritual guidance from mental, astral, causal and soul levels and the third most difficult one is mastery of "selves" as representations or incarnations spent in the 3rd-d for evolvement/learning/progression..
The "mark" of the Holy Spirit/knowledge ofis the "Seal" on the forehead (forehead symbolic of the seat or headquarters of the soul/mind)..
[From Simon Peter: a servant and missionary of
kindness and peace.. For as one knows Him better, He will give them, through His great power, everything they need for living a truly good life: He even shares His own glory and goodness with us.. And by that same mighty power He has given us all the other rich and wonderful blessings He promised; for instance, the promise to save us from the lust and rottenness all around us, and to give us His own character.. But to obtain these gifts, we need more than faith; we must also work hard to be good, and even that is not enough.. For then we must learn to know
better and discover what He wants us to do.. Next, we must learn to put aside our own desires so that we may become patient and godly, gladly letting
have His way with us.. This will make possible the next step, which is for us to enjoy other people and to like them, and finally we will grow to love them deeply.. The more one goes on in this way, the more they will grow strong spiritually and become fruitful and useful to
Anyone who fails to go after these additions to faith is blind or at least very shortsighted, and has forgotten that
delivered them from their old life of mistakes so that now they can live a strong, good life for
One will do well to pay close attention to everything the prophets have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be confusing and difficult.. When one considers the wonderful truth of the prophets' words, the light will dawn on their souls and
will shine in their hearts.. For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from
Since, this is true, as it was recorded in 2Peter 1:20,21 - any man, completely devoted towards a life of spiritual service for others, in these last days, as the prophets demonstrated in those days, can experience the Holy Spirit entering them and giving them true messages fromSince there were true and false prophets in those days, there will be false teachers among us in these days. They will cleverly tell their lies about
Many will follow their evil teaching that there is nothing wrong with sexual sin. And because of them
and His way will be scoffed at. These teachers in their greed will tell you anything to get hold of your money. For
did not spare even the angels who sinned, but threw them into a hell, chained in gloomy caves and darkness until the judgment day. And He did not spare any of the people who lived in ancient times before the flood except Noah, the one man who spoke up for
and his family of seven.. At that time
completely destroyed the whole world of ungodly men with the vast flood. Later, He turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into heaps of ashes and blotted them off the face of the earth, making them an example for all the ungodly in the future to look back upon and fear. But at the same time
rescued Lot out of Sodom because he was a good man, sick of the terrible wickedness he saw everywhere around him day after day. So also
can rescue us from the temptations that surround us in our lives, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes.
is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts, and those who are proud and willful, daring even to scoff at the Glorious Ones of the unseen world, without so much as trembling, although, even the angels in the heavens who stand in the very presence of
and are far greater in power and strength than these false teachers, never speak out disrespectfully against these evil Mighty Ones. But false teachers are fools - no better than animals. They do whatever they feel like; born only to be caught and killed, they laugh at the terrifying powers of the underworld which they know so little about; yet they will be destroyed in the same..
That is the pay these teachers will have for their sin.. For they live in evil pleasures day after day. They are a disgrace and a stain among you, deceiving you by living in foul sin on the side while they join your love feasts as though they were honest men. No woman can escape their sinful stare, and of adultery they never have enough. They make a game of luring unstable women. They train themselves to be greedy; and are doomed and cursed.. They have gone off the road and become lost.. These men are as useless as dried-up springs of water, promising much and delivering nothing; they are as unstable as clouds driven by the storm winds. They are doomed to the eternal pits of darkness. They proudly boast about their sins and conquests, and, using lust as their bait, they lure back into sin those who have just escaped from such wicked living. "You are not saved by being good," they say, "so you might as well be bad. Do what you like, be free." But these very teachers who offer this "freedom" from law are themselves slaves to sin and destruction. For a man is a slave to whatever controls him. And when a person has escaped from the wicked ways of the world by learning aboutand
and then gets tangled up with sin and becomes its slave again, he is worse off than he was before. It would be better if he had never known about
at all than to learn of Him and then afterwards turn his back on the holy commandments that were given to him. There is an old saying: "A dog comes back to what he has vomited, and a pig is washed only to come back and wallow in the mud again." That is the way it is with those who turn again to their sin. In these last days, there are scoffers who are doing every wrong they can think of, and laugh at the truth.. This will be their line of argument: "So Christ promised to come back, did He? Then where is He? He'll never come! Why,as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly as it was since the first day of the creation of this planet." However, they deliberately forget this fact: that
did destroy the world with a mighty flood, long after he had made the heavens by the Word of His command, and had used the waters to form the earth and surround it. And
has commanded that the earth and the heavens be stored away for a great bonfire at the judgment day, when all ungodly men will perish. But, remember this, that a day or a thousand years from now is like tomorrow to
He is not being slow about His promised return, even though it sometimes seems that way. But He is waiting, for the good reason that He is not willing that any should perish, and He is giving more time for sinners to repent.. The Day of
is surely coming, as unexpectedly as a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the heavenly bodies will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be burned up..
And so, since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives we should try to be living.. We should look forward to that day and hurry it along - the day whenwill set the heavens on fire, and the heavenly bodies will melt and disappear in flames.. But we are looking forward to
promise of new heavens and a new earth afterwards, where there will be only goodness.. While we are waiting for these things to occur and for Him to come, we must try hard to live without sinning; and be at peace with everyone so that He will be pleased with us when He returns.. And to remember why He is waiting.. He is giving us time to get His message of salvation out to others..
[I John2:15-17]: "We must not love anything about this evil world because it is not of If anyone loves anything that the world offers them, they do not show that they really love
For all these things, these evil desires - the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you, and the pride that comes from wealth and importance - these are not from
They are from this evil world itself and this world is fading away, and these evil, forbidden things will go with it, but whoever keeps doing the will of
will live forever."
There is a statement attributed to buddha which says that "all life is clouded with suffering:. Conflict, turmoil, suffering, dilemma, existential anxiety, are all synonymous of this directly perceived state of existence in which one may "find" themself on their "path". Each soul suffers from some form of negativity because it is deeply engrained upon a soul's groundcrew once they enter this 3rd-d construct learning-center realm of physicality. The condition of suffering is not the normal, natural condition of a soul representing it's true Self as a Human Being upon reality. It is unnatural and unnecessary. But many people have indeed considered this state of suffering to be man's "natural" condition. There has been debate on this point for seeming ages. Yet the answer is not amendable to debate. It is not a point of logic or deduction, it is a question of fact, not theory. The question may be resolved rather easily if one participates in a simple experiment. If you sit quietly in a semi-lighted room and simply wait, and wait long enough, the superficial consciousness of negativity and suffering will subside and give way to a consciousness of peace and contentment, which is not antithetical to activity. This is the "natural" state of a groundcrew to continue on in their "path" without imposed limitations that are not only reproduced by one's mind but by other's reproductions of mind-forms upon reality as well that may or may not interfere with their "path", unless they allow them to become a part of their approach to their "path". In other words, simply walk around them as you continue on in your "path". Given the opportunity, a soul's consciousness will shed its outer clothing of negativity and limitation for the true, abiding, constant, infinite Self. This is not the result of some trick or self-fulfilling expectation. Anyone who waits long enough will arrive at the same "place". Thus, consciousness tends toward this condition of its own accord, without prompting, without resort to technique or any other aspects of mindful influences, except those of its own nature. Suffering and struggling are not "normal" conditions for beingness. These two facts, juxtaposed, form a rationale for spiritual work. Here is both the reality of suffering and the inevitable promise, in fact the absolute guarantee, of a harmonious life. Spiritual work commences when one realizes they are in a self-induced "hell" and that they do not have to be this way. There are probably other rationales for doing work but the bottom line for most people is their suffering and an intense desire to end it. From one perspective, one might think that the spiritual process is not particularly difficult. The "path" is nothing if not an apparent mass of contradictions. Further, no one may truly benefit from the spiritual process unless and until they are truly dedicated and are sincerely participating in it. It may be sad, but true, that most people approach work as one might approach learning needlepoint or crochet. Perhaps at least part of the reason for this is that one is gambling with one's life, in the literal sense, when one decides to really work.
The participant must expect, at the very least, to be irreversibly altered in ways and areas they never even conceived of before. Spiritual work is, in many ways, a prolonged identity crisis, because everything one identifies with is challenged and transcended. Nothing about a soul's representation remains constant. Nothing is sacred because the soul itself is sacred, otherwise it would not be alive at all or participating in life here in this reality that surrounds us. The confrontation of truth can be mind-boggling simply because there are countless ways that it can be approached. It is a shattering experience, and one confronts truth not merely once but far too many times to know of every confrontation, this is another reason why there is a continuous flow of change, of impermanence that engulfs this reality, to precipitate those changes that are necessary for a soul to traverse their "path" while participating in representations of itself. Yet there are built-in "safety" mechanisms such as the "veil of forgetfulness" that prevents a soul from recall of any or all past incarnations or representations. If this were so, such recall could easily interfere with one's "path". It is already apparent how there are enough inhibitors or obstructions to one's "path" already simply by other soul's ongoing approaches to reality. However, a soul does not confront, or is ever confronted with more than they can "handle", which is why the process requires linear time to process the "path", therefore the need for a base reality or 3rd-d construct of physicality. There are so many sensitive areas to be dealt with and transcended upon a soul's "path". No one soul who returns to this reality to continue work of their "path" is provided with the blueprints of that "path". One enters into the realm of their "path" totally unprepared, with many expectations because they've yet to spend linear time focused on studying the conditions of that new environment already manifesting situations upon reality they've returned to face for another round or incarnation. They are laden with fears, questions, and doubts which totally obscure and prevent any real understanding of the process. This is why it is such a challenge, such a devastating challenge. One steps onto their "path" and into their ignorance of it on pure, blind faith. The spiritual "path" requires incredible faith, incredible fortitude, preseverence, dedication, to even begin work, and even more to continue. The entire process springs forth from faith, trust, & love. And when it seems to be "all over", one may then realize they have only just begun their real work. That which is called the "path", the spiritual process of radical transformation, is simply a label placed upon all activities and changes one may encounter before they actually begin living in truth consciously. Before that, they are simply living in truth, unconsciously because they have yet to recover, restorer & reorientate all their energies into a new groundcrew or into another round of soul representations.
The "path" is a path of undoing everything that may inhibit our immediate, direct, spontaneous and natural life in truth. Many new to this realization of their "path" may begin to suspect that work on their "path" is like going to a school. You learn how to live, then, after graduation, you start living. Life itself is an ongoing, infinite learning activity. 3rd-d life is never a matter of knowing anything but a matter of not knowing. Work simply dissolves the obstructions to the spontaneous and natural activity of learning, becoming. Knowledge is not important, then, only access to knowledge, or the capacity to learn. And in general, that is the point of returning to experiencing this reality, consciously. To learn and discover ways of handling reality and its array of innumerable manifestations, graduating out of each incarnation as a soul continues experiencing new approaches to the reality of their "path". Experiencing reality in the life of a soul is an on-going, seemingly infinite learning activity. One who seeks "finding" the "path" is illusory. The true "path" is life itself, which is infinite and eternal, it has no beginning or ending. You have always been living the true "path", but you have also been resisting it, which is often why you have your current condition of suffering. Spiritual work is aimed at simply living. It is the activity of immersing oneself in life over and over again; of attuning to it, confronting it, meditating upon it, being "done" by it until one can consciously surrender to it without reservation. It is not the activity of working toward some as yet unattained goal, but of living in truth from the very beginning; of not avoiding truth, until you finally see the obvious. Finally, one must eventually come to consider what would appear to be the most obvious of choices. You can either live your life in negativity, suffering and struggling, or you can live your life in peace and harmony with the world as it is. If you choose the latter course, then you must and will also choose, ultimately, to do spiritual work. It is your life and your choice.
There are always at least two primary perspectives from which all things may be viewed: the unlimited perspective of truth, or the limited perspective of ignorance. From the exclusive view of each, the other seems illusory and non-existent. Yet both exist. And these two perspectives give rise to two worlds. Each thing is, in the universe, is a portal between these two worlds. All that is, is a convergence of both the limited and the unlimited, of light and of darkness. There is a natural relationship which exists between these two worlds in that the finite, from its own perspective, excludes the infinite; but the infinite excludes nothing and thus absorbs the finite within itself. All limitations are affirmed in the realm of the finite. No limitations exist in the realm of the infinite. From the perspective of truth, nothing ever really changes. There is only just the appearance of change. Yet we are fully aware of the world of change, the world of the finite, where things are always in constant flux. In this world of activity, motion and unrest, nothing seems fixed. But all that exists, exists eternally, and change is simply a transition from one form to another. To exist is to exist in the two worlds of the unchangeable infinite, and the changeable finite. To exist is to exist as a paradox. To exist is to harbor an apparent contradiction and conflict. But the conflict exists only from the perspective of ignorance. Truth harbors within itself all forms of limitations. If it did not, it would not be infinite, but limited itself. Each person harbors within themself this apparent conflict. And this inner conflict is represented in the activities of each individual in the mind and the heart. Mind is associated with illusion, heart with reality; mind with activity, heart with non-activity; mind with ignorance, heart with wisdom; mind with change, heart with the changelessness; mind with limitation, heart with the infinite; mind with fear, heart with love; mind with hell, heart with heaven.
The attempt to live as though these realities were indeed separate is the source of all illusion and suffering. When a person becomes attached to either heart or mind, to the exclusion of the other, they are artificially and arbitrarily limiting themself and creating the conditions of their own suffering. In much spiritual literature of the Western world, this dichotomy is symbolized in the terms "heaven" and "earth". Implicit in these terms is the understanding they are mutually exclusive. The "unspiritual" person often criticizes the "spiritual" person for their other-worldliness, their irrelevance to this life. The "spiritual" person often criticizes the "unspiritual" person for the meaninglessness and chaos of their life. Yet both suffer from the illusion that their worlds are separate from each other. They both have their goals and strategies for achievement. The essence of their realities is identical, only the form is different. It is this difference in form which is the foundation of their mutually exclusive claims on what is "real". Both affirm heaven is separate from earth. But, heaven is not other than earth. Just as the whole spiritual Path is illusion, so is it an illusion that heaven has ever been other than earth. Just as the mind wanders upon the field of the heart until it recognizes what was always true, so the consciousness of the earth has wandered an illusory path throughout the universe until discovering its own true nature: heaven and earth are one. The consciousness of this planet is not other than the consciousness of the people on it. They have parallel development - one development - each reflecting the other. The consciousness of people born to earth has always coincided with the consciousness of the planet itself. The earth has gone through incarnations of a sort just as people do. The earth has existed in darkness just as people do. And the earth has come at last into a realization of itself as truth, just as people do. The "Aquarian Age" is a term used to signify the coincidental change in consciousness of the earth and the people on it. This planetary change in consciousness is just as illusory as the Path which people follow until learning there is no Path. Yet from a limited viewpoint, a change has indeed occurred. From this perspective it has not been true that heaven was earth. Before, the planet existed in relative darkness which was relieved by those beings who traditionally brought light to a dark planet. But now the planet is one with the light and the traditional function of such beings is now being assumed by the planet itself. The traditional function of "holy men" to bring light here is changing to that of merely being present as representation of a soul's very beingness.
Our entire social and personal life structures of separateness and exclusivity will find their fulfillment in a joining of all things. All current forms will die and be reborn to find new life in forms which transcend the dualisms we now live by and which will be consistent with truth. That is an aspect of beingness for souls that is proposed to be present when the "new heavens and new earth" have replaced the old system of things on this planet. It is the reality of heaven-earth which so-called Christians have referred to as the "second coming". When Messiahsaid, "the Kingdom is at hand", He was indicating what was true in truth, and also serving as a Prophet of reality which was yet to be fully realized as fact upon the earth. From the perspective of the mind, that reality is just now dawning. But the "second coming" is also a "judgment". We all dream of truth, yet we all avoid it. Now the dream has become reality. Because it is reality, all the games of resistance to truth will be exposed. They will be exposed as a way of helping each soul see their limitations and thus overcome them, but they will be exposed nonetheless. It is this unwanted self-realization which is part of what is referred to as the "judgment". The price of denying
Truth, in His very Presence, is suffering. If only by suffering alone it will be clear who is ready to abide in heaven and who is not, who is resisting truth and who is not. But this "judgment" in not a punishment. If there is punishment, it is meted out by each person to themself, just as darkness is created when one turns from the light. Each person will destroy themself in the very face of that which one says they truly desire. Every lie will be exposed, every lie will be destroyed; for ignorance cannot withstand wisdom, lies cannot withstand truth, hell cannot withstand heaven. And if a person is identified with some lie, attached to it beyond redemption, then they too will perish. If a person refuses to release their grip on ignorance and accept truth, they will suffer the consequences of their own consciousness. All illusion and ignorance will be destroyed. Anyone who will not let go of these will perish. If it does not appear to one that heaven has come to earth, then this is, in itself, testimony of their own limitations and ignore-ance. The apparent chaos and destruction with which this world is wracked is a form of self-annihilation. In a world of darkness, sin, evil and illusion cannot be too readily observed. But in a world of light, all manner of darkness becomes immediately and painfully obvious. The horrors of our contemporary world are a direct statement of the ways in which so many are refusing to accept the reality of Truth
here on earth. All the forces which divide the world are becoming increasingly apparent. If heaven had not come to earth, we would take much of this world disorder for granted and think nothing of it. Our awareness of evil is a direct awareness of the very presence of