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Body Care                                  Herbal                              House                            Pet

           Clothing                                     Bedding                         Accessories

These pages are no longer being maintained. I have moved to Please reset your bookmarks as these pages will be removed Jan 2001.

My ultimate goal with this business is to reduce my impact and other's impacts on the environment.  Toward this end, I will ultimately use local and organic ingredients whenever possible.  I have not yet reached this goal, so I am currently striving to use only plant-derived ingredients (with a few exceptions noted below).  I am also striving to achieve a more self-sufficient existence, which means making not only hand-crafted soap, but everything else as well.  I will always be adding and refining products and expanding the selection.  By the end of summer, I intend to have 'conversion kits' - a complete selection of products necessary to convert a portion of your life from synthetic, store-bought products to hand-crafted, natural products.  For example, a basic kitchen conversion kit would include a general purpose cleaner, an extra-strength cleaner, a scrubbing cleaner, dishwashing soap, handwashing soap, a tea blend for relaxing after all the cleaning, and a lotion for restoring your hands.

The items here fall into two basic categories - body care and cleaning or clothing and bedding.  A few of the household cleaning products contain chemicals, but they are simple ones like ammonia or vinegar that break down quickly and easily in the environment.  All other ingredients are plant-derived with the exception of milk, eggs and honey.   Eventually all these products will be organic - I've recently found a good supplier for BEAUTIFUL organic cotton.

I have recently added household cleaning products and pet care products.  I have also added a glossary of many of the ingredients I use with information on what the ingredient is derived from and what the properties are.  AND I have finally added pictures!

Gift Certificates and Trades are possible. Please email any comments or questions to me at

Price List                                           Pictures                                    Order/Contact Information

Glossary                                        Recipes

Last Updated 8 July 2000

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