"The Glory of Salvation"

By C. LLoyd Chesser

“The Glory of Salvation”

It is an awesome thing to be a recipient of God’s salvation. It is equally as great for one to be imputed with the righteousness of Christ. The mercy and grace of sovereign God to depraved man. A preserved, incorruptible inheritance that is reserved for the elect. These truths are an of expression the glory of salvation. Full glorification is beyond human comprehension. We shall not understand this total glorification until we are united with Christ in heaven. First Peter 1:8,9 reminds us that we can rejoice in our salvation now! From the believers aspect, perhaps this is the greatest expression of glory that he can fathom. To know that he will be in the presence of Jesus Christ forever; to realize that this is a “ done deal”; to try to comprehend the “ end of your faith”; these are truly glorious things. A Christian can more easily endure the trials of this life by keeping the end of his faith in sight. It seems that Christians are expecting an “ easy ride,” once they become Christians. Furtue promises are not popular in todays instant culture. We are not promised to be happy here on this earth. We must stand on the promises of God’s Word, and accept these trials as part of our salvation. Without these trials, one should question the genuiness of his salvation. Faith is what keeps the believer going. This is why the importance of a growing faith cannot be emphasized enough. God gives each Christian a measure of faith. It is the believers responsibility to nourish and grow that faith. We cannot “ let down,” when trials come. We must keep the truth of final glorification in front of us. We must embrace these trials as God’s will for us. We are to allow God to show us what we can learn from these refining trials. The promise of total glorification is exciting. A Christian who cannot persevere past the temporal trails of this life will not have the overcoming life. Believers are secure, because it is God who preserves them. If one can grasp these scriptural truths, he can truly have an overcoming life. It is not up to man to preserve and sanctify himself. This is a major reason why Christians get “ bogged down” in living a victorious life. Christians in general need to be taught a major course in biblical grace. Grace is another aspect of the glory of salvation. Christians are “ marked out “ before the foundations of the world. Just as the elect where passive in being physically born, so are they also passive in being spiritually reborn. It is God who totally preserves His own. He is the beginning and finisher of the salvation of the elect. Christians can bask in the glory of their salvation because, they have the assurance that God is in control, and He is faithful to His promises. Praise God that preserving our salvation is not done by us. A depraved sinner is acquitted of his sinfulness and is redeemed by the blood of Jesus. He becomes an heir with Christ. He is no longer an enemy of God. He will live forever in the presence of the Lord. This is the epitome of the glory of salvation!