Of All Things
By Gilbert Beebe
Signs of the Times, October 1, 1880
The Old School or Primitive Baptists in former
have been very definitely identified and distinguished from all other
or ecclesiastical organizations as PREDESTINARIAN BAPTISTS, and as such
have borne reproach and vituperation from those who hold more limited
of what we regard as the absolute and all-pervading government of God
all beings, all events, and all worlds. With deep solicitude and
concern we have witnessed ill the
preaching and writings of some of our brethren a disposition to so
yield or modify the doctrine as to limit its application to such things
as the carnal mind of man can comprehend or the wisdom of this world
approve. While some will concede that all things that they regard as
and holy are ordained or predestinated of God, they deny that the
government of God does dictate by absolute decree the wicked works of
men and devils, for that, they say, would make God the author of sin.
therefore set up their judgment, and set bounds for Infinite Wisdom to
be restricted to, and beyond which limitation He must not extend His
without subjecting Himself to their censure as an unjust God and the
of sin. But how lamentable is the infatuation of poor, blind mortals,
"The vain race of flesh and blood
Contend with their Creator, God;
When mortal man presumes to be
More holy, wise or just than He."
There are undoubtedly many of the dear people of
God who feel jealous for the glory of God, and who, without any
ambition to be wise above what is written in the sacred Scriptures,
inability to comprehend the two great parallel mysteries of godliness
of iniquity, have felt a, commendable concern lest in our weakness we
impute to God aught that would reflect on His adorable perfections, or
withhold from Him that which He has ordained for the manifestation of
glory. It certainly becomes us, as finite beings, to speak of Him and
His government with fear and trembling. He is the high and lofty One
inhabiteth eternity, and His name is Holy. His attributes are veiled in
that infinity which no finite being can by searching find out. He
back the face of His throne, the place and power of His government, and
spreadeth His cloud upon it. As the Heavens are higher than the earth,
so are God's ways higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than
thoughts. The standard of infinite purity and holiness is the will of
There can be no higher law than the will of God, for only to the
or counsel of His own will and pleasure does He Himself conform. "He
all things after the counsel of His own will."--Ephesians i. 11. "
the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are
not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my
xlvi. 10. In this connection He says, "I am God, and there is none like
me." And in the revelation of the Lamb, in whom all the fullness of the
Godhead dwells, "The four and twenty elders fall down before Him that
upon the throne, and worship Him that liveth forever and ever, and cast
their crowns
before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory,
and honor, and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy
they are and were created."--Revelation iv. 10, 11. "0 the depth of the
riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are
judgments, and His ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind
the Lord? or who hath been His counsellor? or who hath first given to
and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of Him, and through
and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen."--Romans
When God created the Heavens and the earth no
power than His own was employed, no wisdom but His own was consulted,
was there any other than His own will to dictate what, how, or for what
purpose anything should be created. As a potter has power over the
it is his right to form his vessels as he please; and if he forms of
same lump vessels to honor and vessels to dishonor, who shall dispute
right to do so? The prophet says God is the potter and we are the clay;
then, "What if God, willing to shew His wrath, and to make His power
endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to
and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of
mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory."--Romans ix. 21-23. Dare
any of us poor, finite worms of the dust dispute the sovereign right of
God to do all
His pleasure in the armies of Heaven and among the inhabitants of
"Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made
thus?" How appropriate and forcible are the words of Job, "Hell is
before Him [God], and destruction hath no covering. He stretcheth out
north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. He
up the waters in His thick clouds, and the cloud is not rent under
He holdeth back the face of His throne, and spreadeth His cloud upon
He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come
to an end. The pillars of Heaven tremble and are astonished at His
He divideth the sea with His power, and by His understanding He smiteth
through the proud. By His Spirit He hath garnished the Heavens; His
hath formed the crooked serpent. Lo, these are parts of His ways: but
little a portion is heard of Him? but the thunder of His power who can
understand?"--Job xxvi. 6-14.
Can we contemplate the awful majesty, profound wisdom, deep and unsearchable counsel, infinite goodness, unerring workmanship in all that He has condescended to let us know of His great and marvelous works, from the spreading abroad and garnishing of the wide Heavens, down to the formation of the crooked serpent, and still stand in doubt of His predestinating power and unrestricted government over all beings, all worlds, and all events?
Are death and hell and all things naked before Him, and destruction uncovered to His all-seeing eye, and yet unlimited by His power and wisdom? Has He stretched out the north, and balanced the earth upon nothing without any design, purpose or decree concerning their subsequent destiny? Has God bound up the waters in His thick cloud, and "given to the sea His decree, that the waters should not pass His commandment" (Proverbs viii. 29), and yet left all to the vagary of chance? When He set His throne above the Heavens, was it to be the place of no power in controlling the destiny of all things in Heaven and earth and hell? For about six thousand years the sun; moon and stars have with exactness filled their respective orbits, and without the variation of a second of time from their creation made all their revolutions, in obedience to the decree of the Creator. Is it by chance that "The Heavens [thus] declare the glory of God, and the firmament shouted His handiwork?"
But say some to whose minds the doctrine of the universal government is obscure, We admit that God has predestinated some things, but do not admit that He has predestinated all things which come to pass. Let us see how this partial or limited government would accord with the Divine record. Suppose that in what we have been contemplating of the Heavens we should find the sun and moon, and all the stars but one, held firmly to their orbits by the irresistible will and decree of God, and that one solitary star, without any fixed orbit, is allowed to range the infinity of space, wandering with more than lightning velocity, guided only by chance; where would be the safety of all the other stars? what would become of the predestination of those heavenly bodies intended to be preserved from hazard by the decree of God?
To us it has been a comforting thought that God
set the bounds of our habitation on the earth, and the number of our
is with Him, and our days are appointed to us as the days of an
who cannot pass His bounds; but what assurance of safety would that
if He has left murderers and bloodthirsty men or devils unrestricted by
His predestining decree? To our mind,
either everything or nothing must be held in subjection to the will
and providence of God. Even the wickedness of ungodly men is restricted
by predestination, so that ''the wrath of man shall praise God, and the
remainder of wrath He will restrain."
"Pains and deaths around us fly--
Till He bids we cannot die;
Not a single shaft can hit
Unless the God of Heaven sees fit."
For death and hell can do no more than His hand and counsel have determined shall be done. Does this make God the author of sin? or, in other words, does this make Him a sinner, or charge on Him an imputation of impurity? By no means. Against whom is it possible for God to sin? Is He amenable to any law above Himself? If so, by what law can He be indicted, in what court can He be tried or convicted? How preposterous! It is His eternal right to do all His pleasure, "Nor give to mortals an account, or of His actions or decrees."
It savors of atheism to deny that He is the
independent God who has created all things for His own sovereign will
pleasure. And if it be admitted that He had a right to create the
and all worlds, it must then be also admitted that He had a right to
them according to His own will and pleasure. Worms cannot charge Him
error because He did not assign them a more exalted place in the
or for creating them worms instead of men. Men cannot justly charge Him
for not creating them angels, nor angels because He did not make them
The world, with its infinite variety of living creatures, from the
insect to the most huge monster, as well as man, were all made for the
pleasure of their Master, and all must subserve the exact purpose for
they were made. Even the crooked serpent, as well as the harmless dove,
all were pronounced good in their respective places; not good in the
in which God is good, but good because they were precisely what He
or predestinated them to be. Had the serpent been straight, or the dove
crooked, or if the things made had been different from what the Creator
intended, there would have been a defect in the workmanship. We cannot,
with such exalted views as we entertain think that God has ever failed
to secure the perfect accomplishment of His own design or purpose in
He has ever done. The entrance of sin into the world, and death by sin,
which by the offense of one man has passed upon all mankind, was no
event with Him, to whose eyes sin, death and hell have no covering. The
eternal purpose which God had purposed in Himself before the world
was sufficiently perfect and comprehensive to include all that could or
can possibly transpire, or He would not have declared the end of all
things from the beginning. "Known unto God are all His works from the
beginning of the world."--Acts xv. 18.
But there are many who admit the foreknowledge of God, and yet deny His determinate counsel, on which the certainty of all the events of time depends. Men may have a limited foreknowledge of things which God has made certain by His determinate counsel and irrevocable decrees, as it is said, "The living know that they must die;" but God's foreknowledge depends on nothing outside of Himself, for He has challenged the universe to tell with whom He has taken counsel, or who has instructed Him. To us it seems perfectly clear that nothing could be foreknown that was undetermined, and that the foreknowledge and determinate counsel of God are inseparable.
It is also generally admitted that in the
of His people, "Whom He didforeknow, them He also did predestinate to
conformed to the image of His Son" (Romans viii. 29); but that the
Son of God was delivered into the wicked hands of men to be crucified
the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, is not so readily
The wicked works of those who crucified the Lord of glory were not
by His murderers; but it was
foreknown and determined of God, Peter said, to those whom he charged
with the wickedness of killing the Prince of life. "I wot that through
ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers. But those things, which
before had shewed by the mouth of all His prophets, that Christ should
suffer, He hath so fulfilled."--Acts iii. 17,18. "For of a truth
Thy holy child Jesus, whom Thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius
Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were
gathered together, for to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy counsel
before to be done."--Acts iv. 27, 28.
The wickedness of men in betraying and crucifying
our Lord had been positively predicted from the days of Abel, in what
spake to the fathers by the prophets, and by what was signified by all
the offerings which were made under the former dispensation. The pieces
of silver for which He was betrayed were counted and declared hundreds
of years before Judas was born; and the dividing of His garments, and
lot cast for His seamless robe, was determined of God and
declared by the prophets. The history of Joseph, and the wickedness
of his brethren, was in fulfillment of his dreams, and in accordance
the purpose in which Joseph said, God meant it for good.
It has been said by some that these great events
which God has overruled for good were ordered of the Lord, but that the
smaller matters, and the wickedness of men, were not predestinated. Our
Savior has informed us that the determinate counsel of God in His
providence numbers the hairs of our head, so that not a hair can fall
the ground without Him; even the little sparrows are protected, and the
ravens are provided with food by His determinate counsel. And Paul
us that "We know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
It seems to us unreasonable, as well as
to say that the government of God directs and controls some things, and
that other things are left to the control of men or devils. If God's
extends only to the good deeds of men, then is His absolute government
totally excluded; for "As it is written, There is none righteous, no,
one: there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after
God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become
there is none that doeth good, no, not one."--Rom, iii. 10-12. We
would not limit the government of our God, nor, because we cannot
His designs, dare to say He has no designs.
"He in the thickest darkness dwells,
Performs His work, the cause conceals;
But, though His methods are unknown,
Judgment and truth sustain His throne.
"In Heaven, and earth, and air, and seas,
He executes His firm decrees;
And by His saints it stands confess'd
That what He does is always best."
Men act voluntarily when they commit sin; they
no more knowledge of or respect for the purpose of God than Joseph's
or Potiphar's wife had in his case, for there is no fear of God before
their eyes. It is even so with the princes of this world; if they had
Jesus, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But it was
that Joseph should be cast into prison, and it was expedient that
should suffer; therefore that knowledge was withheld from
the persecutors of Joseph and of Jesus, until they should fill up the
cup of their wickedness. And it is thus in the wisdom of God that the
by wisdom shall not know Him. Yet such is the wisdom, power and
government of our God that He can and does set the exact bounds by
the wickedness of men and devils is limited, and beyond which they
go, Satan is bound a thousand years with a great chain, and after the
years he shall be loosed for a short time. With all his rage and malice
he is restricted by the supreme power and decree of God, to do no more
nor less than what God will overrule for the good of His people and for
His own glory. And thus also, "God, willing to shew His wrath, and to
His power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath
fitted to destruction," as in the case of Pharaoh and the Egyptians,
the heart of Pharaoh until all the plagues and judgments were
accomplished, and His own almighty power and glory were then made known
in delivering the Hebrews, and in overwhelming Pharaoh and his host in
the Red Sea. "Therefore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and
He will He hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth He yet find
fault? For who hath resisted His will? Nay but, O man, who art thou
repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it,
Why hast thou made me thus?"--Romans ix. 17-22.
The Apostle, fully aware of the disposition of
carnal mind to cavil and reply against the sovereignty of God in the
of His pleasure, did not attempt to apologize for God, or so to modify
the doctrine as to render it less objectionable to the carnal mind; but
he called attention to the infinite disparity between the infinitely
holy and omnipotent God, who holds our everlasting destiny, and by
long-suffering we are permitted to live, and poor, finite, depraved,
man, and the daring presumption and extreme folly of questioning the
or wisdom of God in working all things after the counsel of His own
We regard it as a very serious matter to charge that God cannot govern
the world, by His own determinate counsel, wisdom and power, according
to the eternal and immutable design or purpose purposed in Himself
the world began, without subjecting Himself to the charge of being the
author of sin. Sin is
the transgression of a law under which the transgressor was justly
held amenable, and to the penalty of which he is subject. But we have
to show that God is under no law but that of His own will and pleasure,
and therefore He doeth His pleasure in the armies of Heaven and among
inhabitants of earth. He could by no law be held under obligation to
the affairs of this world or any part of them to be governed by chance,
or by the will of men. As He is in one mind, and
none can turn Him, His purposes are eternal, like Himself. His decrees
being perfect from everlasting, admit of no improvement or change. If
had not the right to predestinate all things pertaining to the events
time before He created the world, we ask what right has He acquired
to execute the orders of His throne? If it had been His pleasure to
prevented sin from entering into the world, can we doubt His power or
or ability to have done so? If sin
has entered this world in opposition to His will, or because He had
not the wisdom and power to prevent its entrance, what assurance have
that it will not also enter the world to come? But it is to our mind
more consistent with what God has graciously made known to us of His
and attributes to believe that God had a purpose worthy of Himself,
inscrutable to us, in regard to the entrance of sin, as well as in
to all things else. He bids us "Be still, and
know that He is God." To our feeble mind the conclusion is unavoidable,
that the predestination of God either controls all things or nothing.
We look at a vast complicated machine, with its
thousand wheels. We cannot comprehend or understand its workings, but
are told that the machinist has a perfect knowledge of all its parts
one; there is a definite use for every wheel and spring, but one is
in the machine which has no certain motion or definite use. How long
that machine run in safety, with the unruly part liable at any moment
throw the whole into confusion? We cannot see how any part of the
of God can be absolute and secure, if God has not the undivided
of the whole in all its parts; and if He has to-day the full control,
He not the same control yesterday and forever? If He has not the full
to-day, is there any certainty that He will have to-morrow or at any
period? If we admit that God absolutely governs all things according to
the counsel of His own will, and that He is immutable, then we must
that He has determined
what shall and what shall not transpire in time or in eternity. But
to deny His universal control of all things, including all
and powers, thrones and dominions, things present or to come, whether
be visible or invisible, is to deny that He is the God of the whole
and virtually deny His eternal power and Godhead. If He has not the
and wisdom to determine all events, how can He cause all things to work
together for good to them that love Him?
But while we hold that He is supreme in power,
that He works all things after the counsel of His own will, we are
that He reigns in righteousness, and that there is no unrighteousness
Him. To admit the universal government of God, is to admit the
of all things, from the falling of a sparrow to the dissolution of a
In the absence of predestination, with what certainty could the Holy
inspire the holy prophets and Apostles to foretell all that
should ever come to pass? If it were undetermined in the purpose of
God, how could the Apostles tell us of perilous times that should come
in the last days, of apostasy from the faith, and spiritual wickedness
in high places?
But we will submit these remarks to the
of our readers, and desire that what we have written maybe carefully
by the infallible standard, the Scriptures, and received only so far as
they are sustained by the word and Spirit of our God.